Men from all over the world dream of meeting a beautiful Ukrainian girl for dating, marriage, and a life of love. It makes perfect sense, as Ukraine is one of the most friendly countries to significant age gaps in couples. In other words, it’s not uncommon for older men to date younger women. But, there’s always the question of “how young is too young,” when it comes to the ladies. Today, we’re addressing the scandalous topic of the age of consent in Ukraine!

What is Are Age of Consent Laws?

Age of consent is a term that is used to describe whenever a person is old enough to legally consent to sex. Whether it’s a Ukrainian girl or an American girl, there’s always a law governing just when she’s “ready.”

Ironically, even if someone is not an adult, they may be considered to be old enough to legally consent to have sex with someone who is. In some places, the age of consent is dangerously young. In a place like Nigeria, the age of consent is 11.

Yeah…ew. No wonder that country is a total trainwreck.

Fortunately, Ukraine has age of consent laws that are rather similar to those that you find in the West.

In Ukraine, you are considered to be legally an adult at the age of 18. This means that a young person can move out of their parent’s house, drive a car, and purchase alcohol in Ukraine.

Ironically, Ukrainian women can be married at the age of 17, whereas boys have to wait until 18. Even still most Ukrainian women are between the ages of 25-27 when they are finally married. Most men, on the other hand, are usually 30.

This just goes to show that even though the country has modernized, Ukraine still has a culture that does not shy away from older men dating younger women.

So, what does that mean for someone who is interested in dating Ukrainian women?

What is the minimum age that you must abide by?

Ukraine’s Age of Consent: 16

Here’s the answer to the burning question that you’ve been looking for.

The age of consent in Ukraine is 16 years old. This is the minimum age a girl must be in order for you to engage with her on a sexual level in any way. While you could technically “date” a girl who is under 16, nothing sexual could take place when you two are together.

And, let’s be real, that’s not going to happen.

All in all, it’s pretty lax. Though, I’d imagine that the parents of most 16-year-old Ukrainian girls wouldn’t be too happy if she was casually dating a foreigner. At the very least, you can bet that they’d want to meet you to see who their daughter is spending time with.

But, we’re going to officially recommend you only pursue girls who are 18 and above. Our advice is to not try to be cute and find “technicalities” with the local laws.

Respect the local culture, and the people of Ukraine during your time there. While you may stumble into a situation where you meet a lovely 17-year-old lady and win the blessings of her parents, I’d suggest looking for women who are at least 18.

Here’s why…

Our Advice: Date 18+

First of all, the chances of meeting a girl who is under the age of 18 are generally just slimmer than a girl who is legally an adult.

Think about it: unless you’re totally blind, you’ll have a pretty good idea of how old a girl is when you first approach her. It’s not rocket science to tell a 16-year-old apart from an 18-year-old, and so forth.

Plus, Young girls in Ukraine are required to go attend primary school. So, you won’t even be running into younger girls during the hours of 7 AM – 4 PM most days, either.

Going out at night? Most of the girls you’ll see in the club are going to be 18. While there’s realistically nothing stopping a younger girl from going out, her parents probably aren’t going to want her hanging out at the town’s bars at such a young age.

Remember: traditionalism is alive and well in most of Ukraine. It very well may be the only country I’ve ever lived in where a 23-year-old girl is receiving calls from her mother while on dates.

Plus, how can you really believe that a girl is actually 16, and not 15? If a girl is 18 years old, there should be absolutely no reason that she shouldn’t have a government-issued ID. While younger girls can certainly have student ID cards, it’s not as common as women who are enrolled in college courses.

You’ll probably just be “taking her word for it.” And, I’m not exactly too keen to trust the word of a 16-year-old.

The worst-case scenario here is that, despite the fact that a girl tells you she is 16, she may be younger.

And, breaking those rules is not something you want to do.

What If You Violate the Age of Consent in Ukraine?

It should go without saying. You absolutely do not want to violate any laws regarding having sex with minors in a place like Ukraine.

Duh. I should not even have to type that. Don’t mess around with this stuff.

You could end up with fines, jail time, or possibly even getting a little roughed up by the cops. But in reality, the biggest problem you’d probably face is from the girl’s family.

The police in Ukraine are ridiculously ineffective and, by and large, a basket case. They can’t be bothered to do much of anything beyond writing traffic tickets, most of the time.

On top of that, the “rape culture” hysteria just does not exist in Ukraine. For better or for worse, a young girl in Ukraine may have a hard time explaining to a police officer or a judge that she was forced into non-consensual sexual activity if she willingly went to a man’s home at night, presumably while consuming alcohol.

I am not saying that this is right by any means. But based on my own experiences in the country, this is generally what I’ve observed.

It’s for this reason that, unless a girl is truly open to the idea of having sex with you, she’s likely not going to agree to come to your house by herself.

Of course, while dating in any country, clear and obvious consent should be your #1 priority. Violating her consent is not as much punished by the law, but instead by her family and community.

Her Family: The Real Barrier To Dating Young Women

The legal protections that women may have in uncomfortable situations may be lagging in Ukraine. But, you can be sure that if you should try to force yourself on a young girl in Ukraine, you’ll likely be hearing from her father not long afterward.

Don’t be surprised if someone’s showing up at your door to have a “talk” with you, in this case.

This isn’t normal, whatsoever. But, neither is trying to force yourself on a young girl who does not consent to your advances. It’s totally abnormal and NOT okay. I’m simplifying showing you that people in Ukraine are more likely to take things into their own hands than call the cops.

And, I can guarantee that you’ll be receiving absolutely no sympathy from the police in this case, either.

As a side note: even if you’re dating a girl in her 20’s, you can expect to have to meet her parents at one point or another. While you may shy away from this in the West, know that this is standard procedure for dating a Ukrainian girl.

The answer here is simple: do the right thing. Date girls who are enthusiastic about meeting you, and willing to let you escalate things on a physical level. Meet her parents if you have to. Take things slowly, and make an effort to learn about how to meet girls in Ukraine.

In fact, if you really want a younger, more inexperienced girl, you shouldn’t have a problem finding one that is at least 18 years old.

Even still, you should ask yourself if you really want to date a girl who is 18.

Do You Really Want To Date a Teenager?

Now, I don’t know about any of you, but spending time with a girl who is even just 18 years old can be a little bit…annoying.

While Ukrainian girls are far more mature than their American counterparts, you can still expect teenagers to be interested in teenage topics.

Listening to a girl talk about her favorite singers or how she likes watching the Vampire Diaries isn’t exactly my favorite past time. As someone who has dated 18-year-old Ukrainian girls, I can almost always say that I certainly enjoyed their company more as they got older.

But, there’s a huge benefit to cash in on by getting a girl when she’s younger. The other side of this is that if you meet a girl who has just turned 18, you can influence and shape her into the type of woman you prefer.

You can pretty much guarantee she’s going to be inexperienced in the bedroom, probably only moderately skilled in the kitchen (if at all), and still has a few years of discovering her own unique sense of fashion.

If you can intercept her at such a young age, you can train her to do exactly what you like. Plus, you can be sure you’re the only one who’s experienced her sexually.

And who dosen’t love that?

Virgin Girls in Ukraine

If you’re searching for a girl who’s a virgin, you are likely going to be looking for a younger lady. It’s basic math, after all!

Unlike in a country like Georgia, there is generally no expectation that women are to remain virgins until marriage in Ukraine. They are, however, expected to remain relatively chaste and not engage in the degeneracy of girls in Western countries.

It’s not uncommon for a young girl to have had a boyfriend or two prior to meeting you if she’s in her 20’s. While I personally prefer girls who have had few sexual partners as possible, I don’t mind if a girl has a small amount of experience prior to me dating her.

But, only a little bit. Nobody likes dating the town slut.

If you’re jet set on finding a virgin, I’d suggest checking out second-tier cities such as Kharkiv and Lviv as opposed to the more metropolitan minded Kiev. In fact, I’ve met girls up to the age of 20 who claim to be virgins in these places.

In my opinion, this is not a bad dating strategy whatsoever. While some girls in Ukraine will retain their virginity into their mid 20’s, you’re going to have your most luck hovering around the 18-year-old mark.

Best of all, you can even meet these women online.

How To Meet Younger Women in Ukraine

The safest way of dating younger women in Ukraine is, believe it or not, by using the internet.

Online dating is absolutely huge in Eastern Europe, and you can meet some seriously beautiful girls if you use the right apps.

I know this seems silly, but hear me out. Online dating sites like Ukraine Date have to verify the age and identity of every girl who uses the service. Instead of having to go through an awkward conversation where you ask to see her ID, you have total peace of mind from the time you send your first message.

If you’re interested in learning more about it, check out our review of the service here.

Plus, you can even filter your results on the site so that you can only see girls between the ages of say, 18-23 all over the whole country.

That’s a level of specialization that you won’t even get when meeting them in person.

Conclusion: Respect the Age of Consent in Ukraine!

While the letter of the law may state that girls as young as 16 are “up for grabs,” we’d recommend sticking to girls who are 18 and above.

Even still, it’s your life. You are free to make your own choices knowing the risks involved. As long as you are engaging in consensual, respectful relationships, you can technically do as you please.

If we can make any suggestions here, however, it would be to at least have a look at the girls whose age you can fully verify on a website like Ukraine Date.

That way, you know you’re being totally safe on your journey dating beautiful girls abroad. Just don’t forget to keep Ukraine’s age of consent in mind!

Good luck out there!