5 Mistakes To Avoid When Dating Ukrainian Women

5 Mistakes To Avoid When Dating Ukrainian Women

There’s no denying that dating Ukrainian women is a huge step up from dating girls from the West. That being said, it can be easy for guys who are used to dating Western girls to make some pretty serious mistakes that will cripple their chances of having a successful relationship with the girl of their dreams. Make these mistakes at your own peril!

Without further adieu, let’s learn about what NOT to do when dating Ukrainian women.

Mistake #1: Not Being Masculine Enough

You must be a masculine man when dating Ukrainian women.

Gender roles are a two way street. You get what you give.

Many men (predominately those who sit around on the internet all day) complain about how American women are not feminine, how society has ruined the world for men, and how there are just “no good women left.”

This is the exact opposite of what masculine men do.

Newsflash: if you want a feminine woman, you have to be a masculine man.

Femininity and masculinity are Yin and yang. Want a woman who is nice, dresses well, and takes care of you?

Get ready to be a strong, independent man who takes bullshit from nobody, including her.

There is, however, a fine line here. We have to keep in mind that the way you express your masculinity to Ukrainian women is going to be somewhat different than how you would with girls in the West.

Mistake #2: Being “Too” Alpha

Don't come across too strong when dating Ukrainian women.

American women, for the most part, like being treated badly.

Go ahead. Freak out and cry. I don’t care. This is the truth.

After years of dating these creatures, I grew accustomed to purposely ignoring their requests, not calling them back, or outright ignoring them for days at a time.

Guess what? It worked fabulously. You never, ever want to be in the “nice guy” category with an American girl. The nicer you are to American women, they more desperate they think you are.

I’ve been in both categories, and girls always respond better to the asshole who does not care about them than the nice guy who is sweet to them.

This might sound crazy, but when you start to consider that less men than ever are having sex, it starts to make total sense.

Why would a man who has infinite options available to him do anything other than the bare minimum for a woman?

The truth is, I never really respected these women because of just how easily they would let a variety of different men sleep with them, how poorly they dressed, and how they believed they were owed the world for just existing.

Disrespecting them, for me, is actually pretty easy.

Ever wonder why “nice guys finish last?” This has always been true, but the situation has just gotten insane in the United States in recent years.

In Ukraine, you can still be a normal guy, with a good job who is reasonably nice to his girlfriend, and do pretty well. No matter who you are, you can usually land an attractive girlfriend in that country.

You’ll be delighted to hear that many of the Ukrainian girls you will find are actually deserving of your respect, unlike their American counterparts.

All women enjoy dating a man that they perceive as being high value, who is sure of himself and can walk away at any moment and easily go find another, perhaps even a hotter girl.

These aren’t the kind of girls you quickly “pump and dump” after a one-night stand. In fact, it’s probably going to take at least 3 dates (hopefully more) to get her into bed.

They won’t sleep with you on the first date. If she’s going out with you, you can bet she’s spent a huge amount of time making herself look beautiful for you. As the two of you get closer together, she will likely start to do things like cook meals you enjoy, clean up your house, and generally just try to make you feel happy and comfortable.

What a crazy world that the West has a become. A society where women no longer do the things they are supposed to do, and men no longer treat them with respect as a result.

Don’t do this stuff in Ukraine. Be a gentlemen, although a firm one who enforces his own boundaries. You have to be masculine, remember?

I don’t tell guys to go to Ukraine with the intention of being a hardcore, alpha player. All you will do is confuse the local girls and hurt their feelings, while getting nothing in return.

Here is a life lesson for you: Women don’t randomly deserve your respect because they are female. Women deserve your respect if they are respectable.

Let me tell you this: Ukraine is full of respectable women.

In order to reciprocate the respect your woman shows you, you will have to engage in basic acts of chivalry if you expect to have a successful relationship with a Ukrainian girl.

Mistake #3: Neglecting Basic Chivalry

Chivalry is important when dating Ukrainian women.

I know, I know. Chivalry is a dirty word to many guys reading this.

But it really shouldn’t be! After all, if someone respects your boundaries, cooks you delicious food, and does whatever she can to make you happy, should you not want to do something nice in return?

This means doing basic things, like opening doors, taking her hand when she’s stepping out of a vehicle, holding her jacket when she’s putting it on, and of course, paying when you go on dates.

Mistake #4: Not Paying – A Must When Dating Ukrainian Women

The average salary in Ukraine is about $400 a month.

If you’re an expat who is living in Ukraine, you should easily be making twice that at absolute minimum.

You’re seriously going to tell me that you’re going to ask a girl to split a $20 meal with you if she’s making $400 a month?

Look guys, I don’t love paying for girls when I go out on dates either, but I still do it.

This does not mean acquiescing to her every demand. Do not misinterpret my advice as meaning you have to pay her rent, bills, and give her an allowance every month. If you have a girlfriend that’s asking you for these things early on, I’d be seriously skeptical of her.

Mistake #5: Letting Her Walk All Over You

Bossy Ukrainian girl.

I hate to break it to you fellas, but just because a woman is from Ukraine does not mean she’s not still a woman.

Like it or not, women are constantly testing your limits. Most men don’t understand this, but I invite you to think back to your own childhood as a good look at practical female psychology.

Imagine you are seven years old, and your mother and father have just told you “no.” Maybe it’s going to your friends house, maybe you wanted to ride your bike on the street, whatever. We all know the feeling.

…and remember, how even if your Dad would tell you no, you would go ask your Mom instead?

You just had to know if you could ride your bike outside, and you were gonna push the limits and test your parents until they let you do so. At a certain point, it wasn’t even about doing what you wanted, but more your childlike brain needing to know if you could get your way.

Let’s say that your Mom agreed to whatever it is that you wanted, at which point you went and you delivered the classic line that is the bane of existence of fathers worldwide.

“But Mom said I could!”

“Fine…” your father replies.

Big mistake.

Now, you are well and fully aware of the fact that your Dad can easily be manipulated, and any time you wanted something, you would use the same tactic. In reality, you realized that your Dad held no authority, and you stopped respecting what he said. You know that, no matter what he says, his authority can be easily subverted and you don’t have to take his words seriously.

Welcome to the mind of a woman.

Just because a woman is beautiful and feminine does not mean she will not test your authority, even unconsciously.

When she asks you, “Baby, I’m gonna go to the club tonight. What do you think of this dress?”

Here’s how you reply: “No.”

No explanation. Don’t even look up from what you’re doing. She doesn’t want you to say yes anyway. It would make you a weaker man.

The reality is, no respectable Ukrainian man would allow his girlfriend to go to to a club without him dressed like a slut.

I’m giving you permission to be, well, a little bit of a jerk. All women, particularly Ukrainian women, tend to enjoy submitting to a strong male authority figure. It’s a huge sexual fantasy that’s baked deeply into the human psyche.

Don’t believe me? Then tell me why 50 Shades of Grey is one of the highest selling books in all of human history.

Be a man. You’ll be rewarded for it.

Remember: She’s not necessarily a bad girl for asking you if she can, but you are a bad man if you allow her to do whatever she wants.

Once she starts asking every weekend and giving you problems in response, that’s when it’s time to start looking elsewhere.

Welcome to being a man. Just as you wouldn’t let a young child ride their bike through a busy street, you’re going to have to make decisions for your girlfriend too.

Conclusion: Is Dating Ukrainian Women All It Is Cracked Up To Be?

Dating Ukrainian women is worth it.

Dating Ukrainian women is by far the best upgrade I’ve ever made to my romantic life.

Culturally, women have been taught to respect their male partners instead of introducing drama to his life and making it harder than it has to be.

Instead, a Ukrainian woman sees it as her duty to help you become the best man that you can be by supporting you in the way that a woman should.

Because of this, you’ll have to adopt your dating strategy just a tiny bit, and avoid making a few key mistakes that can cause you to totally blow it.

PS: If you’re looking to meet and date Ukrainian women, I suggest you check out this website, just to get an idea of what’s out there. You won’t be disappointed, I can promise you that!

Serbian Girls: An Eye-Opening Guide

Serbian Girls: An Eye-Opening Guide

Young men are often told that two countries are home to the world’s best women: Ukraine and Serbia. Many men have visited both countries out of a desire for adventure and females alike. It’s true, Serbian women are some of the finest on earth. However, no two cultures are the same, and the differences between Serbian and Ukrainian women are not to be glossed over. Today, we’re going to break down the key differences between Serbian girls and Ukrainians…and trust me, there are plenty.

Let’s get started!

The Basics

Serbian girls have a darker complexion than most other Eastern European women.

Let’s get this out of the way: Ukraine and Serbia are two very different countries.

Serbia is a Southern European nation of 7 million. The only real “city” in Serbia is the capital, Belgrade. The rest of the country is mostly villages, with the exception of the small town of Novi Sad. The country is rather inexpensive, and the majority of Belgrade is vastly more developed than most of Ukraine. Serbian culture is a combination of Eastern European and Mediterranean influences. Elements of both cultures are visible in practically every aspect of Serbian life.

Ukraine, on the other hand, epitomizes real Eastern Europe. While most people will visit Kyiv, Odessa, Lviv and even Kharkov are well worth a visit. The country is huge, with 30 million people living there. Sadly, Ukraine is also the poorest country in Europe aside from Moldova, and at times. At times, it can really start to look like a third world country when compared to Serbia.

Oh, and you can’t drink the water.

Most expats find that they generally spend the same amount of money living in both places. Both countries are recovering from Communism, after all. Food and housing are slightly cheaper in Belgrade than Kyiv, but consumer costs for virtually everything else in Ukraine are dirt cheap.

Naturally, these cultures are going to breed two very different types of women. Of course, both have their own sets of advantages and faults.

But first, let’s start off with what most guys find to be most important: looks.


Serbian girls are gorgeous.

Appearance-wise, Ukrainian women are Serbian women are relatively similar with a few key differences.

The first key difference you will notice in Serbia is that women are darker in both hair and skin tone. Serbia is in the Southern part of Europe and is not that far away from Italy, Greece, and the entire Mediterranean.

As a result, Serbian women can often look similar to Italians or even Spaniards, particularly when tan from the summer sun. Additionally, you’ll be finding mostly girls with brown, black or brunette colored hair in Serbia.

On top of skin tone and hair color, Serbian women tend to be a little more, shall we say, “gifted” in particular areas than Ukrainian girls.

Serbian Girls Are Bodied Up

To put it bluntly: if you’re an ass man, or a tits man, the girls in Serbia are well endowed in these areas. Ukrainian girls, on the other hand, are sometimes more genetically gifted in the first area than in the second.

As much as I love Ukrainian women, many of them can have awkward, skinny little bodies that, despite perfect hair, makeup, clothes, camera angles and Instagram filters, can occasionally be a little bit underwhelming.

Serbian women, on the other hand, are often properly bodied up.

Side note: If you want to have a more detailed look at some of them, check this website out.

Are Serbian Girls Tall?

Furthermore, while a Serbian girl may have a seriously nice figure, she may be a little bit taller than a Ukrainian girl.

Serbian girls are, for the most part…tall. It’s not uncommon that I meet girls in Serbia who are easily over 6′, or 182 centimeters.

This is obviously not every girl in Serbia, as there are plenty of girls that are a more “normal” height. The official stats say that the average female height is 166cm, or 5’5″. I can’t help but think it’s more like 5’8″.

Even still, if you don’t prefer women who are a little bit taller, you might be slightly disappointed. Personally, I don’t like tall girls. This eliminates about 20% of Serbian girls straight off the bat.

The other 80%, however, is very, very much worth chasing, in my opinion.

If you like fair-skinned, blonde girls, Ukraine is your best bet.

But, if you prefer tan-skinned brunettes that are a little more bodacious, Serbia is definitely worth looking into.

To be completely fair, you can find your preferred physical type in either country if you look hard enough. I’ve met plenty of Serbian women who could pass as Ukrainian, and vice versa.

Where they really differ from one another, however, is personality.


My good friend in Belgrade once imparted a classic piece of wisdom that could only be shared in a rare moment of honesty after a few shots of rakia.

It perfectly explains the difference between the Balkan mentality and the typical Eastern European way of understanding life and relationships you find in Ukraine.

“The Northern slavic people, they are like robots to us bro. Serbia is a very living country!”

He’s right.

When he told me this, he was practically screaming it at me in a loud, crowded Rock club in the middle of Belgrade. The entire place was jam packed, and everyone was in front of the stage, singing and dancing along to 90’s Rock music.

The Belgrade Rock Club

This included both men and women. Some people were dancing in a rather hilariously awkward way, but nobody cared. Everybody was perfectly in the moment, hands in their air with hips gyrating, screaming their lungs out to songs in a language they may not understand. They all had plenty to drink, but nobody is being particularly aggressive with each other. It was clear that some people have just met, and others have been friends for years, but it doesn’t seem to matter to them. These same people will probably sit around talking for hours afterward, smoking cigarettes and having a laugh, and only exchanging goodbyes when the sun finally comes up.

…on a Thursday.

Also: smoking is legal almost everywhere in Serbia. Get used to it.

Let’s compare that to the typical Ukrainian “going out” situation.

4-8 people who have known each other for years on end will all sit around a table drinking, smoking hookah, and maybe dancing after the booze kicks in. The music will, almost certainly, be cheesy Top 40 dance music played at an insanely loud volume where nobody can hear each other talk at all. Of course, the girls will have to start dancing first, and only then will the men be reluctantly dragged into it also. Everybody will be relatively quiet until the men get ridiculously drunk off of vodka, at which point things will start to get a little rowdy. Two men may get into a fight. One guy with a smoking hot girlfriend will just sit there all night, saying absolutely nothing. Everyone will go home at 3:30 AM.

Next week, they will do it again.

I could not imagine a place like the Rock bar my friend took me to existing in Ukraine. No way.

As you can see, there’s a clear difference in mentality between these two countries.

Serbian Girls: Mentality

To put it simply: Serbians are a very lively group of people. Belgrade is a great place for making friends, and Balkan men are very talkative, sociable, and engaged.

Be ready to be a part of this if you plan to spend a lot of time in Serbia.

Serbian women, on the other hand, tend to like to dance, use loud, expressive language, and generally just say what’s on their mind. They’re the female equivalent of the men in their country. Hotter climates tend to breed more charismatic personalities, and Serbia is no exception.

That’s not to say Serbian women are obnoxious, per-se, but you’ll definitely have to be a little more charming in your endeavors with Serbian girls than you would with a Ukrainian.

Not sure which country is right for you?

Let me ask you some questions…

It Comes Down To You

It comes down to you.

Do you find yourself to be naturally sociable, outgoing and charismatic? Each of these traits is important when picking up the average Serbian woman. The most successful pickups I noticed involved clear, physical escalation early on in the interaction in addition to a rather talkative, chatty demeanor on the part of the man.

Or, are you a more chill, laid back type of guy? Ukrainians are far more soft-spoken. They have a “cool and serious” demeanor about them that I find matches my own personality quite well. Charisma is necessary, and it will certainly have to be toned down if you don’t want to scare them away.

Both types of women appreciate straightforward, masculine traits. How you will show that you’re in possession of these desirable characteristics, however, is going to differ.

In the end, this is very much going to depend on your own personality. Some guys (myself included, at times) will find the Balkan culture exhausting.

With plenty of people wanting to hang out, talk and the need to be very much “switched on” and sharp when approaching girls, a more introverted guy can really struggle while in Serbia.

That’s not to say you can’t do it if you’re naturally a bit more of a chill guy, but I’d plan to psyche yourself up a little bit and be ready to be quite a “chatty Cathy” on your nights out.

On the other hand, a more outgoing guy may find Ukrainian culture to be cold, robotic, and boring. People can be turned off by your excited nature in conversation. A general tepidness to new people can send mixed signals about where you stand with them.

Let’s take a closer look at two different men, and how their individual personalities fit into both Serbian and Ukrainian culture.

The Belgrade Boy

Danny is a 27-year-old American guy from California.

He’s loves going out, and you can usually find him at a local bar most nights of the week. He’s either meeting up with an old friend, talking smack with a local guy, or even flying solo to go make new friends.

Danny takes it upon himself to approach groups of people, unafraid of if they’ll like him or not. He often tells stories about traveling throughout Europe and South Africa, is inquisitive about the lives of other people, and is a genuinely good listener.

He’s even picked up some of the local language, and though he speaks it badly, the locals find him endearing and genuine.

Danny is the kind of guy who does particularly well in Belgrade if you haven’t already noticed.

Danny has amassed a large group of Serbian friends, who introduce him to girls pretty constantly. As he’s always getting invited out, has had a few long term relationships, and tells people Serbia is the best country for a single guy in Europe. He believes it, too.

Let’s not forget his praise of the country is somewhat biased due to his own character traits.

Serbian girls like Danny because he is charismatic, outgoing and has a large group of friends. Ukrainian girls, however, may look at a guy like him and think he’s a bit “too much.” He would have to seriously tone down his game before going to Ukraine.

On the other hand, we have Jack.

The Ukrainian Expat

Jack is in his mid-20’s, is from Florida and has a similar life story to Danny.

Jack lives in a luxurious apartment in Kyiv and is a bit more of a homebody. While he likes going out, he’d much rather invite a girl to his house to “watch a movie,” where he will cook dinner and spend time with her without being in a huge group of people. He enjoys going on coffee dates, trips to wine bars, and of course, going for walks.

To meet girls in Kyiv, Jack and a few of his friends usually go out a few times a month to approach girls at night, though he doesn’t particularly love doing it. Even still, he’s successful enough to get phone numbers, go on dates, and seal the deal after 4-5 encounters. He enjoys every minute of it.

While Jack may only have a few real friends, he regularly puts himself out there and meets girls everywhere he happens to be, taking the chance to turn any interaction into the potential for a new date. It doesn’t matter that Jack doesn’t have dozens of “friends” he barley knows, because Ukrainian girls appreciate Jack’s straightforwardness and boldness.

Of course, Jack’s personality is more suited towards Ukraine. Ukrainian girls like Jack because he comes across as masculine, stylish and interesting, not because he’s the most talkative guy in the bar

Jack vs. Danny: Different People Do Well in Different Places

Jack finds guys like Danny to be a little bit “extra” and gets particularly annoyed when people like him approach his table at the bar. Most Ukrainian people would agree, and see Danny as being sketchy at best, and annoying at worst.

Jack is the kind of guy who does very well in Ukraine. But, if he were going to Serbia, he would have to prepare himself to get more integrated with social circles and “open up” a little bit more than he usually does. Otherwise, Serbian girls would look at him like he’s autistic and joke that he acts like a robot.

Jack would have to work on his social circle game, become more of a conversation starter and give himself permission to be a bit more outgoing.

In either case, both men are enjoying each culture and definitely getting laid, and are clearly in places that are well suited to their personalities.

Ask yourself: are you Danny, or are you Jack?

Would you be willing to adopt traits of the other to do well in each country?

You might have to.

Speaking of getting laid, there are a few nuances of getting physical in both countries that you should be aware of when comparing the two.

Serbian Girls & Sex

Serbian girls are seductive.

I’ll start off by saying that Serbian women are definitely not “easy,” but that they’re certainly less traditional than Ukrainian girls. They’re about the same level of difficulty as Russian girls. In fact, traditional is not really something that comes to mind at all when thinking of Serbian women.

Case in point: my first time in a Serbian nightclub, I was introduced to a gorgeous, 155cm Serbian girl who we will call Alessia. She was out with a few friends, and a mutual acquaintance introduced us.

After a standard hello, one of her male friends remarked at how I have quite a muscular chest. I had just left the gym an hour earlier, it was hot, and I was wearing a t-shirt that was a size too small. Typical for me.

He even (jokingly, I hope) put his hand on my pectorals and said: “Wow, nice man.”

It came across as pretty gay, and I didn’t like it. While I may have told him to check himself, it didn’t take long for the girl he had just introduced to practically maul me.

She walked right up to me, looked me in the eyes, and put her hands on my waist. I returned the gesture, led her over to a table on the side of the club, and we immediately started making out. It was here that the charisma had to come into play, entertaining her and keeping her interest for the next hour before we bounced back to my house.


Belgrade Is A Bit Less Traditional

Okay…maybe NEVER is a bit strong. But seriously, in all my years of living in that country, majority of the guys and I have never been mauled by a girl in such a direct manner.

The closest thing that’s happened to me in Ukraine is getting a casual ass grab from a flirty girl in a crowded club. Of course, she didn’t stick around to say hi afterward. Go figure.

While one night stands, club make-outs and other hedonism certainly takes place in Ukraine, it’s not a very sex-positive culture.

Serbian women, on the other hand, are far more open to the idea of sex. It’s just not as much of a shameful, taboo subject as it is in Ukraine.

I have even met a few friends here who told me that they were in “open relationships” in Belgrade. While that’s totally not my cup of tea, I’d imagine you can get pretty damn freaky in Belgrade if that’s what you’re into.

Simply put: with a city as big as Belgrade and a culture as lively as that of Serbia, there’s nothing stopping you from having a few friends with benefits (or plates, as we call them) on rotation at any given moment.

But of course, you’ll have to meet them first.

Meeting Serbian Girls

In Serbia, both day and night game are fully viable options for meeting women.

Meeting girls during the daytime is as simple as approaching girls on the street, in coffee shops, or in touristy areas with the classic: “do you speak English,” line. From here, you gradually escalate the interaction to something more personal and end by getting a phone number.

The template for this is exactly the same as it is in virtually every other country. The other benefit here is that meeting girls in the daytime is generally pretty low pressure. You ask a simple question, and if she shows interest in you, you keep talking.

Night game, on the other hand, will require you to be a little bit peppier and be ready to be a bit of an entertainer. It never hurts to approach with something a little more contrived.

Typical bits such as approaching a group of girls who are on their phones with “You all look like you’re having more fun than anybody here” is a solid strategy. Other favorites are as follows:

  • “My friend and I were arguing, and I told him you look like you’re from Greece. Are you Greek? You totally look like it.”
  • “So hey, I was wondering if you could do me a favor. Me and my friend are here from out of town and we’re trying to figure out where to go after this club closes. Do you girls have any ideas?

…and so forth.

The Cartoon Network Opener

Here’s a killer line that I myself made up that has never failed for me. Drop it in your conversation at some point to get your Serbian love interest to laugh.

“You speak English really well. So, what’s your favorite show on Cartoon Network? I heard that’s how you all learned English. I like Ed, Edd, and Eddy, but you look like you watched Dexter’s Laboratory.”

My millennial readers who grew up watching cartoons will understand this. In short, Serbia was one of the first Balkan countries to have the American television channel Cartoon Network broadcast in it. Kids grew up watching it, and the local joke is that it’s helped them master English.

If you’re over 35, I wouldn’t bother with this one.

Use it wisely!

Social Circle Game in Serbia

Before coming to Serbia, everyone had told me about the importance of having a “crew” in the country. They described how women will often size you up to see who you are with, who you know, and if other people seem to like you.

It is yet another way she unconsciously “sizes you up” when getting to know you.

As I said earlier in this article, male friendships are very important in Serbian culture. Making friends is easy in that country because, well, that’s what you’re supposed to do in life.

Unlike in the atomized United States, Serbian culture still values brotherhood and camaraderie.

Women are aware of this, having watched their fathers, brothers and cousins engage in close friendships growing up. If you don’t have any close friends…that’s kind of weird to them.

To be honest, not having any friends should be weird to you too.

Social Circle Game in Ukraine

In Ukraine, by contrast, I found it doesn’t really matter who you’re with. It doesn’t even matter if you have any friends in the country at all. The girls just don’t seem to care.

Women in Serbia prefer to be with a man who they can integrate into their own social circles to a degree. This leads to the common misconception that Serbian women will only date local men, which is categorically false.

If a girl takes you out to meet her friends, can you manifest your cool and interesting character traits, or will you be an awkward bore that she will later regret bringing around?

It’s not rocket science. Dress well, tell some jokes, have stories about traveling the world, buy some rounds, and have a good time.

While meeting Serbian girls in real life is ideal, anybody considering traveling to Belgrade who isn’t also using online dating services to “pipeline” their matches before they arrive is making a huge mistake.

Online Dating in Serbia

Let’s make one thing clear: online dating is essential when going abroad!

When a man is thinking of traveling to another country in the search of fun times with beautiful girls, he must get prepared.

Sure, you can jump off the plane in Belgrade, hit the streets and start looking for girls. I’ve done it plenty of times…

But you know what else has happened more times than I care to admit?

I went home empty-handed. A lot.

There’s no shame in admitting it. We all strike out sometimes.

I thought I was “too cool” to do anything but meet girls in person. Unfortunately, all this attitude did was waste precious time that I could have been spending with beautiful Serbian girls.

It is for this reason that I encourage anybody considering traveling to Belgrade to sign up for an account at International Cupid.

International Cupid is a niche dating website/app that helps to connect foreigners with beautiful Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian and other Balkan women. International Cupid is a safe, super affordable service that’s is run by the same team that’s behind our favorite dating website, Ukraine Date. If you’re curious, you can check out our review of their services here.

The two are largely the same but targeted to different locations.

International Cupid totally blows other dating apps out of the water. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t meet more than a few of my favorite Serbian women (and even a long term girlfriend or two) straight from the app.

Whether you’re looking for a fling or something serious, it’s all on there. Sign up for an account and try it out!

Conclusion – Are Serbian Girls Worth it?

Serbian girl with makeup.

For a man who’s intent on traveling to Eastern Europe, both Ukraine and Serbia are certainly fine options.

In the end, which country you will favor more is going to boil down to your own personality quirks, and your individual taste in women.

I genuinely hope this guide helps you to make the right choice.

Don’t just take my word for it either. No matter what type of man you are, I highly suggest visiting both countries and learning for yourself.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to take action, and meet the girl of your dreams.

The 6 Best Gifts For A Ukrainian Girl

The 6 Best Gifts For A Ukrainian Girl

In Ukraine, gift giving between a man and a woman is not only common, but expected. Unlike in the United States where gift giving early on in a relationship can be somewhat taboo, Ukrainian culture appreciates these warm demonstrations of affection. It’s safe to say that we’ve given plenty of gifts to the beautiful girls of Ukraine, so we’re speaking from experience here. Today, we’re going to give you our list of the 10 very best gifts for a Ukrainian girl.

1. Flowers

Flowers: a simple but effective gift.

Flowers are a simple gesture that never goes unnoticed, especially by a Ukrainian girl.

If you’re in Ukraine, I suggest you go to one of the many flower kiosks in your city for a fun experience (they are everywhere). Just make sure to have the translator app ready on your phone!

Even if you’ve just started chatting, getting a girl a modest bouquet of flowers is a surefire way to score some points early on in a relationship.

While you can read all sorts of information on the internet that will tell you flowers have to be a certain type or color, all you really have to do is make sure there is an odd number of them in the bouquet.

This means 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and so on. Don’t mess this up! Ukrainian girls take this very, very seriously.

You could also save yourself the hassle and just get her a nice dress instead.

2. Stylish Clothes

All women love going shopping, especially Ukrainians!

Ukrainian girls manage to dress extremely well and have style that even rivals women all around the world. This is particularly amazing when considering their wardrobes are often made out of hand-me-downs, pieces from thrift shops, and discount clothes from stores like Zara.

You can really spice up her life by sending her some quality Western threads. I know it sounds ridiculous that a girl would go crazy over a $50 piece of clothing, but it’s true.

They might never admit it, but it’s rare most girls in Ukraine get to have new, quality clothing like this.

I know most of you reading this aren’t fashionistas (most men aren’t), so I’ll make it easy for you. Here’s a few items I’ve purchased for Ukrainian girls that they’ve gone wild over.

  1. Casual summer dress.
  2. Anne Klien wristwatch.
  3. Aeropostale mini skirt.

These are just some ideas, I suggest you get creative if you want to buy her clothing, and make sure you know her size (you should, after all).

Alternatively, you could also get her a nice bottle of perfume.

3. Perfume: The Easiest Gift To Buy For a Ukrainian Girl

Ukrainian girls love wearing perfume.

When looking for the best gifts for a Ukrainian girl, you might just want to keep it simple and get her a nice bottle of perfume.

But, be careful. Some women have one or two types of perfume that they love wearing, and refuse to wear anything else.

An easy way to remedy this is to casually ask her what type she prefers in conversation.

“I just spent all day smelling perfumes to buy one for my Mom’s birthday. My Dad told me she loves this type from Prada, but I think it smells like old lady perfume. What kind do you like?”

That being said, most of the Ukrainian girls I’ve met, surprisingly, have all told me they like Versace Bright Crystal Eau Du Toilette.

4. Cookware

The Instant Pot is always a hit in Ukraine.

This one is my favorite, for selfish reasons. Ha ha ha.

What better gift could you buy for a woman than one that will benefit you some day?

Ukrainian woman usually love to cook. Unfortunately, most of them are stuck using cookware from the Soviet Union and knives that look like they were bought at a garage sale.

On top of this, buying her cookware is a subtle way to reinforce your expectations that you like it when a lady cooks for you.

Again, this is a time when you should ask her what she likes, but I’ve found you can never go wrong with an Instant Pot.

They’re pretty rare in Ukraine, and most women have never heard of them. Buy her one, and you’ll be in for some good eating!

5. Apple Products

Ukrainian girls love Apple products.

Having an iPhone, iPad or Macbook in the United States is relatively common. Even kids have access to these high tech devices these days. In Ukraine, however, the situation could not be more different.

The Ukrainian government has placed stringent taxes on companies that want to import goods into the country. While it is totally possible to purchase an iPhone in Ukraine, it is likely going to cost $300-$400 more than it would in the United States.

This, in addition to a low monthly salary of $500 for most Ukrainians has made it exceptionally difficult for Ukrainian girls to have Apple products.

While I’m not a huge believer in showering girls with expensive gifts straight from the get-go, some guys think differently than this, and that’s okay. To each their own!

If you purchase your Ukrainian girlfriend a new iPhone, she’s going to know you’re extremely serious and be extremely grateful that you have done so.

In the end, everyone is going to have their own ideas about what the best gifts are for a Ukrainian girl.

But, there is one gift that really can’t be beat, no matter what type of woman you’re going after…

6. The Very Best Gifts For A Ukrainian Girl: Your Attention

A girl chatting on Ukraine Date.

While giving gifts is an important aspect of Ukrainian culture, it is your attention that she desires the most.

Being emotionally available (but not a pushover), willing to put in time with her, and someone who’s just down to chat are all of the utmost importance.

No amount of iPhones, cookware of clothes can replace the importance of communication with a Ukrainian girl. For this reason, I suggest everyone reading this post sign up for an account at Ukraine Date.

Not only does the app allow you to meet and connect with tons of Ukrainian girl no matter where you are in the world, but it also has a seamless interface that makes chatting at any time of day or night a total breeze. We’re huge fans of the app. Check out our 2019 Ukraine Date review to read about why we think it really is that great.

The key to winning the hearts of these hotties is not just by buying them fancy things (though it’s definitely going to help!), but by putting in time to actually get to know them. This can be done in person, or via the internet. In today’s world, both are great options.

The more time you spend chatting with a Ukrainian girl, the more she is going to feel comfortable around you, maximizing your chances of success.

So, what are you waiting for? Take your dating life to the next level, and start dating Ukrainian girls today.

Ukraine Date Review – Is It Really Worth It In 2020?

Ukraine Date Review – Is It Really Worth It In 2020?

In today’s world, 40% of all relationships start online. If you ask me, those are some pretty crazy numbers when considering just 20 years ago, the internet barely even existed. The online dating craze, however, is not just in the United States. In fact, it’s completely taken over Eastern Europe as well. Today, we’re giving you a review of our favorite online dating site out there. Read on for our 2020 Ukraine Date Review!

Ukraine Date Review: Too Good To Be True?

Lovely Ukrainian girl

When we tell people about Ukraine, and Ukraine Date, they usually response like so:

“So you’re telling me that there’s some faraway country full of beautiful women that are jumping out of their skins to meet me, and I can chat to them through an app? No way!”

I know, I know. It sounds crazy.

Honestly, it kind of is. I don’t blame you at all for being skeptical.

With all the scams and well…bullshit that exist on the internet today, you have to really keep your eye out for what’s genuine and what’s not.

But, before we go any further, let me explain to you why Ukraine Date, and ultimately our Ukraine Date Review, exists in the first place.

Understanding The Situation in Ukraine

Girl using her computer

Ukraine is going through a bit of a demographic crisis right now. It is one of the few countries in the world where women greatly outnumber men. There are currently 86 men for every 100 women in the country.

That might not seem like a ton, until you think of how this effects dating. If there’s 86 men for every 100 women, who are the remaining 14 women going to date?

Simply put, this means that there is an insane number of single women in Ukraine right now.

There’s a few reasons for this.

Sadly, men have a lower life expectancy all throughout the former Soviet Union. 37% of men in Ukraine and Russia will die before the age of 55. Compare that to the West, where the number is 7%, and you know there’s a serious problem in their country.

I won’t bore you with the details, but the majority of these issues stem from alcohol consumption. The stereotype is true: Ukrainians (particularly the men) love their vodka. Unfortunately, the reality is usually far less cutesy than your expectations.

Ukrainian Women & Local Men

The World Health Organization has said that alcohol consumption per capita in Ukraine is twice that of the rest of the world. This has created a situation where an abnormally high number of men will die prematurely, and a huge number the ones who do survive are, quite sadly, alcoholics.

The drinking in this country far exceeds a few drunken nights out with the boys. For a lot of guys, it gets to dangerous levels pretty frequently. And sadly for them, when you drink that much…shit happens.

This is not to bash Ukrainian men. There are plenty of great guys who live in this country (I’m friends with many of them), but some serious problems in the country have created a situation in which many women actually can’t seem to find a good man.

What’s an average girl to do? We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again: nobody wants to be lonely. Unsurprisingly, many girls will turn to the internet. And lucky for you, there’s an app for that!

Ukraine Date Review: A Legitimate Company Behind the Product

Founders of Ukraine Date

Ukraine Date is one product from a company called Cupid Media.

Cupid Media is a worldwide leader in connecting singles from all across the world, and since being established in 2000, they have helped millions of people from all around the world meet, date, and even get married.

The very best thing about Cupid Media is that they carry a strong reputation from almost two decades of good business practices. You can be assured that your payment information is safe when you use their services, and that each girl on the site is actually screened and proper background checks are done.

The level of safety on this website is actually pretty next level, giving you the peace of mind you need to feel comfortable.

Pros of Ukraine Date

  • A membership will give you access to thousands of women, immediately.
  • The quality of these women far surpasses anything you’ve ever seen before. Short of actually living in Ukraine, Ukraine Date provides you the best way of seeing the intense beauty that Ukraine as to offer.
  • The girls are actually eager to meet you. Crazy, right? I don’t know about you, but I absolutely cannot stand having to “convince” Americans girls to go on a date with me. Ukraine Date has completely eliminated this problem from my life.
  • All women on the site are thoroughly screened by Cupid Media’s trust team. Virtually every other dating site (even Tinder) is just crawling with scammers, fakes, and girls trying to “catfish” you. Ukraine Date allows you to cut through all the phonies, right away. You can’t put a price tag on that.

Cons of Ukraine Date

  • If you’re used to just firing up whatever you dig up the app store and “swiping” away, I can see how paying for an app can be off-putting, at first. But, with a yearly membership being as cheap as $12 per month, you’d have to be a real cheapskate to complain about these prices.

Different Tiers of Membership

Standard: For Those Trying It Out

Standard plans are completely free, but come with less features than a Gold or Platinum plan. In reality, you get access to three very basic features.

  • Browse thousands of singles on the site.
  • Show girls you’re interested.
  • Chat with paying members only (many girls aren’t paying members).

Sadly, a standard plan on Ukraine Date won’t get you very far. I suggest you opt for Gold at the very least.

Gold: For The Determined


  • 1 month for $35.
  • 3 months for $25 per month.
  • 6 months for $17.50 per month
  • 12 months for $11.67 per month.

Gold plans on Ukraine Date are for those who are ready to get down to business. Not only does a Gold account have all of the benefits of a standard plan, but you can also live chat through Ukraine Date’s instant messenger. This means you can send photos back and forth, chat at your leisure, and actually make a solid effort towards connecting with Ukrainian women.


Platinum: For Those Who Are Serious

  • 1 month for $39.99.
  • 3 months for $26.66 per month.
  • 6 months for $20 per month.
  • 12 months for $13.33 per month.

Now we’re talking!

A platinum plan on Ukraine Date is the cream of the crop when it comes to Eastern European dating. The biggest benefit of a platinum membership is that you’re going to be placed at the very top of the rankings on the site.

In other words, you get the VIP treatment with a highlighted profile, higher rankings in search, and an air of status about you that lesser accounts don’t provide.

Using Ukraine Date with a Platinum plan is like having a table reserved at the fanciest nightclub in town. While it’s not totally necessary to meet girls, it’s definitely going to help you out!

How To Use Ukraine Date

Man on his computer using Ukraine Date

First thing’s first, sign up for an account. You’ll have to upload some basic photos, enter your age, and a write little bit about yourself.

Don’t sweat this step too much. I know it’s tacky, but I’m serious when I say just be yourself.

Once you’ve signed up, selected a membership and filled in your information, you’re ready to rock!

At this point, find some profiles that you like, and take your shot! The best, and possibly most infamous “pickup line” that works incredibly well when traveling abroad in virtually any country in the world is the following:

“Hey, do you speak English?”

This is a basic, indirect question that allows you to start a conversation with anyone because of just how innocent it really is, but that it also shows interest. If there’s one piece of advice you take away from this Ukraine Date review, let it be this!

From here, don’t expect her to jump into your arms straight off the bat. Most Ukrainian girls will often start off with just a simple, one word answer to this question, and maybe an emoji if she thinks your cute.

This should not turn you off, as most Ukrainian girls simply do this as they’re somewhat self-conscious of their English speaking ability at first.

From here, banter back and forth. It’s easier than it sounds! Basic getting to know you questions are great, especially in Ukraine.

Here’s a few that can help you get started:

  • “Do you work or study?”
  • “How long have you been speaking English?”
  • “Have you ever met an American before?”
  • “What do you think of America?”

Pro-tip: Compliment her on her English if she can type proficiently. Many Ukrainian girls spend years practicing. Therefore, hearing this from a native speaker will make her day.

Dating in Ukraine: The Essentials

The next step involves “bouncing” her off the app. After chatting a little bit, you ask for her contact info on apps like WhatsApp, Viber, or even her Ukrainian phone number if you’re in the country.

If you’re lucky enough to be visiting, set up a date once you’re within a few days of your arrival.

Don’t forget: There’s absolutely no harm in jumping on Ukraine Date even if you don’t plan to visit the country any time soon. For a lot of guys, getting online and chatting with some Ukrainian cuties is the “inspiration” they need to finally go abroad.

Ukrainian dating culture is far more simple and spontaneous than in the United States, so don’t expect to have to do anything too crazy the first few times you actually meet. Going for a walk in the town center, having tea or coffee, or attending a small local attraction are all totally fine.

I’d save alcohol dates, meals, and anything that requires you to spend much money for the second or third meeting. Be patient, and take it slow.

You will be rewarded. I promise you that.

Conclusion: Is Ukraine Date Worth The Price?

Ukrainian girl for dating

In short: YES!

The internet has completely changed the dating world, and as a modern man, you have to put yourself in a place to benefit from this.

Even as short as 10 years ago, being able to meet beautiful women from halfway around the world without ever having to leave the house would be something that men would have literally paid hundreds of dollars for.

Today, you get access to the world’s most beautiful women in Ukraine for the monthly cost of going out to lunch in most countries.

The bottom line: Ukraine Date absolutely gets a thumbs-up rating from us. There’s simply no other app like it. A combination of simplicity, safety and effectiveness make it an absolutely essential tool for any man interested in Ukrainian women.

So, what are you waiting for? Get started on Ukraine Date today.

Thanks for reading our 2020 Ukraine Date Review! Have any questions about using Ukraine Date? Feel free to leave a comment.

Language Tips: How To Say “I Love You” in Ukrainian

Language Tips: How To Say “I Love You” in Ukrainian

When you start dating women from a different country, you’re going to have to learn a few words in her native language every so often. While that doesn’t mean you have to become a fluent speaker of a new language, it never hurts to pick up a little bit of the local lingo. Today, we’re going to learn how to say “I love you” in Ukrainian!

How To Say “I Love You” in Ukrainian

Let’s get right down to it.

The best way to say “I love you” in Ukrainian is the following…

“Ya tebe kokhayu.”

The spelling is not far off from how it actually sounds.

Here’s a YouTube video so you can fully understand the pronunciation.

But wait, my girl speaks Russian?

Fortunately, it’s not that much different in Russian.

In Russian, you would say “I love you” as such…

“Ya tebe lyublu.”

Here’s another YouTube video specifying exactly how to pronounce it.

Why Should You Learn How To Say “I Love You” in Ukrainian…Not Russian?

Most women in Ukraine know both Russian and Ukrainian languages.

But, showing that you can tell her you love her in Ukrainian as opposed to Russian will probably go a little bit further in our opinion. Let’s not forget that Ukraine has been perpetually at war with Russia for a few years now. On top of that, Russian is far more commonly spoken throughout the world, making it a much cheaper trick than actually learning Ukrainian for such a meaningful phrase.

A few guys may have already tried the classic trick of saying “I love you” in her native language, you can stand out by being the only one who has successfully done it in Ukrainian.

That, my friends, takes a little more effort and some serious street smarts.

Thank me later.

We All Need Somebody to Love

There’s nothing more sad than living a lonely life.

I can speak from experience here. Men weren’t designed to spend their lives without another person who genuinely cares about them, loves them, and makes them feel special.

Whether it’s a nicely cooked meal when you’ve gotten home after a tough day, someone to encourage you when times get rough…or even just someone to chat with when you’re feeling lonely, we all need somebody to love.

These are all things that are common in Ukrainian dating culture. While asking your wife to cook you dinner might be considered “sexist” in the West, it’s normal in Ukraine, because you need to eat.

Women who care about you should do basic things to make you happy.

Before I came to Ukraine, I often felt like I was completely alone in the world. I could be surrounded by friends, coworkers, and even girls I’ve was “dating” and still felt a crushing sense of loneliness.

I can picture it now. You’ve read this entire article, maybe even had a go at your pronunciation (it takes a few tries)…and you don’t have anyone to say this beautiful phrase too.

Nothing could be more heartbreaking.

Luckily for you, there is a world of prospective women in Ukraine who would love to have you by their side.

I can promise you that.

You’re Not Alone: You Deserve Love

Let me be the first to tell you that: it’s okay. Even though it might be embarrassing to admit, lots of men desperately lonesome in the modern era.

People are lonelier than ever, and there’s plenty of reasons for it. Perhaps it has to do with sexual promiscuity in the West, people delaying marriage longer than ever,

You might even be in a relationship right now…but perhaps you know somewhere in your heart that she’s just not the one.

But, let me tell you something…

No, I have something that I demand you know.

You deserve to be loved.

Love is beautiful. Love is the one thing in this world that makes life worth living. Without love, we are but empty shells of our actual selves. We will never truly actualize without the modifying influence of a good woman.

Even if you just want to get laid. You have physical needs that are important. They matter, and you can take responsibility to address them.

And…it’s not fair that you haven’t already found love.

I know what it’s like, watching everyone around you find someone special, and for you to be stuck here empty handed.

Let’s face the facts: dating culture in the United States just isn’t what it used to be. Between green haired feminists, girls that have slept with every guy on the block, and just a generally nasty demeanor in modern women, it’s perfectly normal to struggle to find someone special.

It was never this hard for our fathers, grandfathers, or even great grandfathers. Society encouraged people to meet and mate with one another. And, believe it or not, American women were actually known for being thin, feminine, and pleasant during this time.

But, today?

Today, it’s clear that women from Eastern Europe put American women to shame.

You’re better off for not having settled for one of these “women!” You clearly listened to your instincts, and you should be proud of yourself.

You don’t have to keep punishing yourself with crushing rejections, failed relationships and awkwardly bad dates with Western women.

An entire world of better options is waiting for you, right this very second.

Get Online

Did you know that up to 40% of relationships now begin on the internet?

It’s true. Gone are the days when you could date coworkers, meet a girl from college, and really any women from the West and really expect to have a happy relationship.

It is for this reason that this blog exists, and why we’re so fond of a service called Ukraine Date.

Ukraine Date has helped tens of thousands of men connect with single women in Ukraine. The app is absolutely teaming with local girls from all around the country. Whether you’re looking for a serious relationship, casual dating, or even just a fling, I can promise you that there’s someone for you on Ukraine Date.

Ukraine Date is not like other dating apps that are often full of scammers, freeloaders, and the same girls that have been rejecting you your entire life.

Instead, Ukraine Date usually connects beautiful, traditionally-minded women who want nothing more than to love and serve a good man with adventurous, curious guys who are just like you in that they want to take their dating game to the next level.

It’s up to you. You can either keep sitting at your computer, and dreaming of the day that Mrs. Right is magically going to walk into your life, or you can take action today.

The choice is yours.

I’m rooting for you…and so is she.