5 Weird Tips For Meeting Hot Eastern European Women

5 Weird Tips For Meeting Hot Eastern European Women

With dating in the Western world looking bleaker than ever, many men have started to consider taking their romantic lives abroad. Between pink haired feminists, an obesity epidemic, and a generally adversarial climate between men and women, this should come as no surprise. The good news is that Eastern Europe remains a goldmine if you want to find a thin, feminine, beautiful woman for dating or even marriage. Today, we’re sharing 5 of our most unexpected tips for meeting hot Eastern European women.

Look Good, But Don’t Be Vain!

Hot Eastern European women do not like vain men.

In 2020, there’s no excuse for looking like a slob. If you think you’re gonna rock up to Ukraine wearing shabby clothing and have girls chasing you through the streets of Kiev, you’re dead wrong.

I encourage every man looking to date finely tune his wardrobe and spend some thought on his clothing, hairstyle, and physique.

That being said, while you can take this “overboard” in the United States and women won’t care, Eastern European women dislike this behavior.

Fixing your hair in a window, taking too long to get ready, and not wanting to get your hands dirty are all things that most Eastern European girls will refer to as “gay.” As such, I’d encourage you to be conscious of how you look. But, not to the point where it’s extremely noticeable.

I’ve made this mistake more than a few times, unfortunately. And, the hot Eastern European women I’ve dated have punished me for it.

Just recently, I had a girlfriend and her friend at my house. I had just come back from the gym, so I had to take a shower before we all went out on the town. I took about 30 minutes to get ready. I took my time in the shower, and both of them thought it was somewhat bizarre.

“What took you so long?” my girlfriend asked me.

“That’s how long girls take to get ready,” her friend said with a smile.

It was a slight neg on her part. I responded by simply saying “Yeah, it’s because I’m a girl. Can’t you tell by my big muscles?” At this point, I lifted up my sleeve flexed my arm, winking at both of them sarcastically.

They both smiled at each other, giggling like little girls.

If you haven’t already noticed, that was a test. I passed it with flying colors.

Learn To Pass Some Brutal Shit Tests

Let me start this off by saying I absolutely hate the term “shit test.”

It sounds gross, and is a misleading title. We can thank the internet for that!

A better alternative is to refer to them as “bullshit tests.” This title far better describes what is actually happening.

A bullshit test is when a woman does something that she knows upsets you deliberately, simply to see how you will react. She does this as a means of “testing” you, or seeing what you’re really made of.

In other words, it’s a test for how you are going to deal with her “bullshit.”

Women do this as a way of subconsciously reassessing the integrity of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It’s through these tests that men who fake the image of being a tough guy are found out. While you can parade around and talk about how you’re a strong, centered man, your true character will be revealed when a girl “tests” you.

Let’s look to the above example of when I took 30 minutes to get ready. Before this, I had just come back from the gym, and I told them to wait for me in the lobby of my apartment until I arrived home.

I didn’t care if they wanted to wait or not, and when we arrived at my apartment, I told the girl I was dating to do the dishes.

Yes: you can do this with hot Eastern European women. No, I’m not joking.

I was putting off the image of being a strong, self interested man who was happy to see the girls, but was more concerned with myself my daily activities than seeing them.

Counterintuitively, this is something that simultaneously can make a woman feel somewhat insecure, and yet also motivate her to want to please you buy doing things like washing your dishes.

Communication with women is largely subtextual. They are constantly analyzing your behaviors to see if they match your words. Unlike men (who often just listen to the words a woman says and ignore her actions), women are constantly on the lookout for incongruence, and guys who are fakers.

By telling the girls to wait for me and instructing one to do a small domestic chore, I was subtextually communicating to them that I’m not afraid of making them mad and them leaving. Therefore I must be a man with choices of other women to hang out with.

At the very least, it highlights that I’m confident that I can easily find other girls to hang out with, presumably those who would actually do the things I ask them to do. Lastly, it communicates that I’m therefore a man who other women have not hesitated to wait on and clean for in the past.

As a result, the girls wanted to throw a playful jab at me my insinuating I was being feminine, and therefore incongruent in my behaviors.

Now, let’s talk about how to pass these little games that women play.

Passing bullshit tests

Learning to pass bullshit tests is a lifelong skill that you will literally use until the day you die when interacting with women.

I used to method of “agree and amplify” to pass the above mentioned example. When doing this, you essentially agree with whatever negative character trait a person is insinuating about you, and then take it to the next level.

Essentially, I was saying “Fuck you. Look how incorrect you are because of how unmoved I am by your words.”

This throws people off, making them realize that their words generally have no impact on you, and that you are so confident and self assured that you are actually willing to self-deprecate (ever so slightly) to prove them wrong.

On the converse, imagine if I had meekly said “Guys need time to get ready too!” and shuffled away.

It would have confirmed her insinuating that my above actions were not indeed my genuine self. But, they are. Therefore, I passed.

Even in long term relationships in the USA, a woman will throw a test your way, just to see how well you handle it. This is not something that I believe women do consciously, but rather as a biological instinct to ensure you’re a strong man who can protect her from outside threats.

If you want to learn more about passing bullshit tests, I highly suggest reading the work of Heartiste.

Develop an Iron Frame: Essential For Dating Hot Eastern European Women

Ahh yes, frame. Most of you are probably asking yourself “What is frame?” and for that reason, I’ll reference social psychologist Rollo Tomassi.

“In psych terms, frame is an often subconscious, mutually acknowledged personal narrative under which auspices people will be influenced. One’s capacity for personal decisions, choices for well-being, emotional investments, religious beliefs and political persuasions (amongst many others) are all influenced and biased by the psychological narrative ‘framework’ under which we are most apt to accept as normalcy.”

Frame is simple. In its most basic terms, the frame is held by the one is leading an interaction between two people. When you go to work, you enter the frame of your boss. At university, you are entering the frame of your professor. At the home of your parents, you are likely entering into the frame of your father. Or, in an imbalanced relationship, your mother.

The person in control of the frame is the individual who is deferred to, and who’s opinions are taken into account above those of others. It is he who “wears the pants” in the relationship who is in control of the frame.

Despite what a woman may say, unless she is truly the most hardline, intersectional feminist who has some serious control issues, women enjoy being in the frame of a man they respect.

Think of the common example of asking a girl “where do you want to go to eat?” She freezes up, being unable to come to a decision, and generally getting uncomfortable and weird.

Men who get upset at this do not understand the concept of frame.

This is exactly what happens when a woman feels she is forced to take control of the frame. As the man, you should already know where you’re going to eat. She’s lucky to be coming along.

Women enjoy believing that they are being “looked after” and that someone who is stronger, and therefore making the best possible decisions for them.

Notice how the concept of bullshit tests and frame don’t seem all that different from one another? It’s because they are not. In reality, passing bullshit tests highlights just how strong your frame really is.

In feminized, American society, women will deal with, and often even marry guys who they secretly believe are losers who can’t hold the frame. This leaves them sexually frustrated, and generally quite miserable, despite how “empowered” they may feel. Again, similar to bullshit tests, frame is not something that women are always psychologically conscious of, but you can bet your life that it’s still an all-important aspect of a successful relationship.

In Eastern Europe? You must train yourself to hold the frame. While you can certainly work on it and improve your skills as you start dating Eastern European women, this is one skill who’s importance can’t be denied.

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Neither will your ability to hold the frame.

To be totally upfront, my ability to hold the frame was less than stellar when I first came to Ukraine in 2011. But, as I began dating women who expected me to do so, I quickly adapted. I now find myself able to handle some of the feistiest women in Europe.

In the end, learning to establish frame, pass bullshit tests, and be willing to get your hands dirty will often lead you towards leaning in one particular direction on the political spectrum…

Develop right wing political beliefs

Right wing political beliefs are common amongst Eastern European women.

Now, I know this may sound weird to you, but hear me out…

Most people who live in Eastern Europe are on the political right wing. It goes without saying that things like gay marriage, multiculturalism, and this whole “transgender” thing are frowned upon in Eastern Europe.

Women are women, and men are men. That’s all there is to it.

While some young women (particularly those who are college aged and living in a large city) may have more progressive views, this is mostly not the case.

As a result, if you’re a man who is going on dates with Eastern European girls and talking about the virtues of open borders and feminism, she’s probably going to think something is wrong with you.

Now, if you meet a freaky feminist with pink hair that looks like fun, say whatever the hell you want. But overall, Eastern European culture is politically far right. You’re not doing your love life any favors by rebelling against it.

Remember: Eastern Europe is like how America was in the 1950’s. Picture the way your grandfather interacted with your grandmother when they were first meeting, or how Don Draper acts in the TV show Mad Men.

That’s what you’re going for in a situation like this.

Avoiding criticizing the local culture, but be realistic about what it is

Eastern Europe is a place of great contrasts.

Now, I know you’re probably thinking “Yeah duh,” in regards to saying anything negative about the local culture of a country you visit.

But, it’s important to realize that you still must be honest about what’s happening in the country.

For example, in a country like Ukraine, you look pretty silly if all you talk about is “how great everything is” and “how much you love it.”

Girls in these countries are not stupid. They realize that their country is economically depressed beyond belief and in bad shape. Deny this, and you look inauthentic at best. At worst, you look oblivious.

Granted, many of them love their culture, and their customs, but many are sick of the political and economic situation that’s taking place. This is why it’s important to be selectively critical of what you see in Eastern Europe.

For example, when I first began dating an old girlfriend in Eastern Europe, she notified me that her brother “watches over” her to make sure she’s not “running around with bad guys.” She showed me a picture of her brother, who was about 19 years old and built like a twig.

Obviously, he does not look like he does too well with the ladies. He’s definitely not stopping any “bad guys” from hanging out with his sister, either.

I immediately laughed. I poked fun at her brother and said he’s probably just jealous that he’s not getting any girls. I told her she can tell him where to find me and we can talk all he wants. Blah blah. The list goes on.

Much to my surprise, she actually started to cry. I was definitely a bit too aggressive with that one. Though I don’t regret doing it, I wouldn’t suggest other guys do the same thing.

Then again, there are other times when your criticism of Eastern European customs is not just welcomed, but necessary to look like a normal person.

One time when I was appropriately critical was when a girl took me onto a mini-bus known as a marchutka. We paid roughly 12 cents to ride the bus across town, while being squashed in with 30 other people like a can of sardines.

When we got off the bus, I immediately started remarking at how hilariously awful the bus ride was. Don’t get me wrong, I certainly enjoyed it in a weird way. But, I also find it ridiculous that this is how awful the Ukrainian public transportation system is.

She smiled and just said, “Yeah…it’s Ukraine.” We both laughed and continued our date.

This is an example of when being critical of the country would be useful. Nobody wants to be squashed into a Soviet-era bus, including your new love interest. The fact that you’re honest about it is far better than if you talk about “what an enriching cultural experience” it was.

Conclusion – Dating Eastern European Women Is Worth It!

Hot Eastern European girls are worth it!

If this sounds like a lot to you, I encourage you not to fret. Many men find that the process of dating Eastern European women is a fantastic way to rediscover the masculinity that Western society has conditioned out of them by design.

While myself and many others have taken the plunge to relocating to Eastern Europe, you can start chatting with Eastern European girls from the comfort of your own home today.

Online dating has opened up a whole world of possibilities for those looking to explore Eastern Europe and it’s women.

If you’re even slightly curious what Eastern European girls are like, I highly suggest you check out this website.

International Cupid Review: Our Honest Opinion

International Cupid Review: Our Honest Opinion

At Expat Ukraine, we’re obviously huge fans of dating Ukrainian women. That being said, not everybody is interested in dating a thin, slavic beauty. One of the most common questions we receive is how to meet women in other foreign locales outside of Russia and Ukraine. If you’re looking to get a little bit more exotic in your search than Ukrainian girls, you’re in luck! Today, we present to your our International Cupid review.

What Is International Cupid?

Obviously, this is a website that discusses dating in Ukraine, so you know our type. But, I’ve gotta say, it’s always a lot of fun finding girls from some of the more exotic republics of the former Soviet Union, South America and even Southeast Asia as well. I’d be lying to you if I said that the same tools we use for meeting Ukrainian girls online cannot be used to meet foreign women from a bunch of different countries.

In other words, International Cupid is a full-fledged dating suite that caters to people looking for foreign women outside of Russia or Ukraine alone. In the past, we’ve discussed how specialist sites far outperform trashy apps like Tinder, especially if dating abroad.

For those of you interested in staying within Europe, International Cupid can help you can find girls from Serbia, Georgia, Belarus, Armenia, and many other less-traveled countries as well.

As they say, variety is the spice of life, and this is one app that can provide heaps of it.

Why Review International Cupid?

Well, the answer to this is pretty simple: the world is a big place.

If you’re trying to find a nice girl for dating or marriage, it’s often smart to broaden your horizons beyond one country alone. Now, we obviously think that Ukraine is the best place for international dating. But, you might disagree, and we’re here to tell you that’s okay!

Some guys just don’t prefer thin, Slavic girls with long, lovely hair. Many of you like fiery Latinas, and others prefer the gentle touch of an Asian woman. Others simply want to explore frontier territories where very few foreigners have gone, and where they may have an extra exotic factor working in their advantage as well.

It’s for guys like you that we’re created this International Cupid review for. In fact, that’s one of our favorite parts about the app itself.

The Exotic Factor: Our Favorite Part of International Cupid

There’s an old saying in the expat community that goes as follows…

“Go where you’re treated best!”

This phrase, first coined by international business mogul Andrew Henderson, applies not only to finance, but dating as well.

Side note: Andrew recently wrote an excellent book about living and doing business abroad. You can check it out here.

For example, guys like Andrew are always on the cutting edge of finding the next hot destination to set up companies and benefit from low rates of international taxation.

This attitude is something of a pioneering mentality as opposed to one where everything is already mapped out for you. In many ways, there’s an established formula for meeting and dating Ukrainian girls. But, when you start to look to smaller nations that may not be as “famous” for their women, you encounter a whole host of different circumstances.

For example, you could go to a second tier city in a country like Armenia and become a local celebrity based on your foreign status alone. While your foreign origins may give you some leeway in a place like Ukraine, there’s a whole lot of discoveries to be made in less traveled European countries.

The clear downside is you don’t have a site like this one to consult for every possible question that can arise about dating a woman from one of these places. Even still, I’m sure many of our readers are go-getters who are thrilled at the opportunity to learn something new.

Ever wanted to meet a Moldovan woman? What about having a girl from Azerbaijan cook you a local meal? Hell, maybe you even want to find a wife from a country like Georgia.

Having just logged in this morning (for old time’s sake), I can confirm that are thousands real, active profiles on the service. Beyond the lesser explored territories, International Cupid remains the #1 app for men looking for love in both Asia and South America as well.

In other words…if your taste lies outside of Ukraine, International Cupid is the place to go.

Thank us later.

International Cupid Review: The Team Behind The Product

International Cupid is run by a company called Cupid Media. Cupid Media is the leading brand in connecting single people from all over the world. Since their establishment in 2000, they’ve literally helped millions of people meet, date, and even marry!

One thing you have to know about Cupid Media is that they have a strong reputation to protect here. They’ve been in business for over two decades, and you can be sure that they’re not putting out any crappy, illegitimate products. You can be absolutely sure that your payment information is safe, and that each girl on the site is verified and screened before she is allowed to chat with you.

Their security culture is truly next level, allowing you the peace of mind you need to let loose and have a good time chatting with new women.


  • A membership to International Cupid gives you access to tens of thousands of girls. If you can’t find one that you like out of that number, you’re insane.
  • The quality of the women is off the charts. If you’ve ever even been slightly curious about what many foreign are like, this may be the best way of having a look (and, you can do so for free!)
  • A very high response rate from most of the girls. Many of these girls are naturally curious about foreigners (or else why would they be on the site)?
  • All women are carefully examined by Cupid Media’s safety team. You know for a fact that you’re chatting with a real girl who is exactly who she says she is. Catfishing isn’t a problem on International Cupid.

Cons of International Cupid

  • Some people (who are extremely cheap) are turned off by the price of the app. It will run you roughly $30 for a premium membership. I can understand how you might not want to pay, at first. But, you have to keep in mind that the reason you’re paying is that it’s a premium service that absolutely blows the competition out of the water! Like all things in life, you get what you pay for.

Different Tiers of Membership

Standard: Just Giving It A Try

A standard plan on International Cupid is totally free, one of the app’s best features. In other words, you’re free to give it a try and decide if you think it’s worth upgrading to premium membership with more features.

Our course, a standard plan is going to come with way less features than a paid plan. Even still, you still have access to the bare essentials.

  • Browse tens of thousands of singles on the site.
  • Send interest to girls.
  • Chat with some members.

A standard plan is great for getting your feet wet. But, it goes without saying that a standard plan on International Cupid isn’t the best option here.

Personally, I’d suggest you opt for a premium plan from the getgo.

Gold: Level Up Your Dating Game


  • 1 month for $35.
  • 3 months for $25 per month.
  • 6 months for $17.50 per month
  • 12 months for $11.67 per month.

Gold plans on International Cupid are for those who are ready to get a running start. A Gold plan allows you to have access to the site’s instant messaging system. This basically means that any attractive girl on the site is just a message away. Better yet, you can ever share photos back and forth on it!

Platinum Membership: For Those Who Are Serious

Platinum: Let’s Get Serious

  • 1 month for $39.99.
  • 3 months for $26.66 per month.
  • 6 months for $20 per month.
  • 12 months for $13.33 per month.

A Platinum plans lets you completely unlock every feature of the site, maximizing your chances of success. If there’s one thing you take away from this International Cupid review, let it be that the platinum membership is like dating on god mode.

The biggest benefit of a platinum membership is that you’re going to be placed at the very top of the rankings on the site.

Not only will your profile be highlighted and more attention-grabbing, but you’ll also have higher rankings in the search field too. In other words, you’re basically going to be paraded around in front of the girls on the site.

I always say that having a platinum profile on a dating site is like having a private table reserved at the fanciest club in town. You might not totally need it, but it sure does help you meet girls!

Conclusion: Is International Cupid Legit?

In one word: YES! We’d be crazy to say it’s not.

It’s a wild world we live in today. The internet has totally changed the way that people meet each other, and it’s up to you to put yourself in a comfortable situation where you can benefit from this.

Now, you can start meeting foreign women from the comfort of your own home. Even 15 years ago, this would have been totally impossible.

The bottom line here is that International Cupid comes in highly recommended from us. For meeting women abroad, there’s no other site that even comes close to touching it.

If you’ve ever been even slightly curious about what it’s like to date a foreign woman, I highly encourage to

So, what are you waiting for? The choice is yours.

Start dating foreign women today.

Kiev Girls: 3 Things EVERYONE Should Know

Kiev Girls: 3 Things EVERYONE Should Know

If you’re planning a trip to Ukraine, or even just marginally curious about Ukrainian women, you’re most likely wondering what women are like in Ukraine’s capital city of Kiev. It is important to note that Kiev is very much it’s own, mini-environment within Ukraine that is remarkably different from the rest of the country. As such, you should keep in mind that meeting girls in Kiev can be slightly different than meeting girls elsewhere in the country. Today, we’re discussing 3 things that EVERYONE should know before attempting to court one of these Eastern European beauties.

Let’s get started!

You’re a smaller fish in a bigger pond.

Kiev girls are glamorous.

As a Westerner who is (hopefully) well put together, you have a natural advantage being in Ukraine.

There are a million reasons for this. From the fact that you’re a more exotic commodity, to the fact that you can spend a bit more on dates, to the fact that you have your own apartment, foreigners definitely have an advantage when dating local girls in Ukraine.

There’s pretty much no cultural aversion to dating a foreigner in Ukraine. Compare this to a place like Serbia, where girls may sleep with you quickly but won’t stick around for more than a few meetups, and Ukraine becomes a pretty sweet deal.

That being said, this advantage is slightly less in the capital city of Kiev than in a smaller town live Lviv or Kharkiv.

There are some big, big ballers in Kiev. It has emerged as a center of commerce and industry in the nation. You can easily rent an apartment for $1,500 in the direct city center. You’ll see Mercedes, Audis, and even a few Bentley’s pass you by as you ride around in your $2 Uber.

While hanging out in Kiev, you may occasionally even wonder if you’re actually in a poor country or not. Some people may say that Ukraine isn’t actually that poor…but people are just good at hiding their money!

Now, that’s not to say that Kiev compares to the glamor of a place like Miami, New York or London. But, it does mean that you may not be absurdly above the rest of the population by simply showing up and making $30,000 a year online.

The positive side to this is that Kiev is absolutely massive, and that for every girl who’s jetset on dating someone with a Mercedes, you’re sure to find a nice, traditional girl who just wants to meet a nice man to date.

Believe it or not, this is surprisingly hard for many girls in a place like Ukraine, where women greatly outnumber men.

I’ve always said that dating a girl who is a 7 in the looks department, but has a pleasant personality and is infinitely better than dating a girl who looks like a supermodel who is superficial and intolerable.

But, not all guys share my same philosophy, which is why it’s important to realize that you’re a smaller fish in a bigger pond when living in Kiev when compared with Ukraine’s smaller cities. This is not only true in Ukraine, but in every country on earth for the most part.

Even still, if you want to be out in the market for Kiev’s top talent, you may have to spend a little bit more cash.

You may have to spend a bit more cash.

Kiev, and its girls, can cost a bit of money.

If you’re the type who likes going out, you may find that prices in Kiev are naturally more inflated than in other areas.

This should be obvious. After all, any time you go into a major capital city, you can expect to pay a premium on apartments, food, drinks, and going out.

Luckily for you, unless you’re the type who insists on taking girls out to eat every time you see them (hint: do not do this), then your dating life in Kiev won’t cost much more than other cities in the country.

What will cost more, however, will be your basic lifestyle bankroll. For example, apartments in Kiev often start off at $700 for anything even semi-decent in a centrally located area.

Even still, I firmly believe you can keep your living expenses under $1500 per month while living in Kiev, though that same $1500 would go MUCH further in any other city in the country.

Keep your vetting process top notch with Kiev Girls.

The fact of the matter is if a girl is living in a big city like Kiev, there’s a good chance she’s not quite as traditional as those living smaller, more tucked away corners of the country.

Some guys care more about this than others. Personally, if I’m going to commit my time and money to a woman beyond just having a little fun with her, she can’t be posing booty pictures on Instagram and have had 10 boyfriends since she turned 15. Call me a bigot, I don’t care.

This is the first time in history we’ve allowed women to have the same sexual freedoms as men, and I think it’s wrong.

Then again, some guys like a girl with a bit of “experience.” They think it’s sexy, and many men do not want to have to teach some barely 20-year-old girl everything she needs to know about being in a relationship, dating, and of course, the bedroom.

To each their own, so they say…

Now, don’t get me wrong: Ukrainian girls are infinitely more conservative and traditional than women from virtually any Western nation in existence. But, due to the cosmopolitan nature of Kiev, you’ll often find the more “slutty” types in Kiev who may have a few skeletons in the closet.

Again, this is day one material when dating women, and it applies in every country in the world. If you’re dating girls from the big city, chances are they’ve had less of an influence from traditional institutions such as church and extended family to moderate their behavior and prevent them from acting like Westernized, “sexually liberated” women.

Whatever that means.

In either case, when dating in Kiev, I find it more important to keep your vetting process top-notch. When you’re first getting to know a girl, be sure to discreetly probe to find out what kind of girl she’s spent her adult life being.

Here’s a few basic questions I’m always on the lookout for when dating a new girl I’m considering for a relationship…

How many boyfriends has she had?

Ukrainian girls take pride in remaining relatively chaste until marriage. The ideal number here is 1-3 boyfriends prior to meeting you. Keep in mind, she could always be lying about this (most girls do), which is why you should always keep this number in mind when she’s telling you stories about things she’s done in the past, vacations she’s gone on, and places she’s traveled to.

Has she traveled internationally?

Now, I hate to say it, but when you meet a Ukrainian girl who has extensively traveled outside of Ukraine, you should naturally be suspicious. Unless she’s been going exclusively with family, you can be sure that another man (or men) has been financing her travels. The average salary in Ukraine is roughly $400 a month, which is hardly enough for a round trip ticket anywhere in Europe.

This is more of a problem in Kiev, where you’ll find girls who often have explicit “sponsorship” agreements worked out with particular guys who take her on vacations, buy her gifts, and finance her lifestyle in exchange for company, and most likely, sex.

A few family vacations is nothing to worry about. But trips to places like Dubai, Monaco, Thailand, or Cyprus should always raise an eyebrow. The ultimate red flag are Instagram photos where she’s pictured solo in some exotic locale with no friends, boyfriend, or family members.

Side note: If you want to learn more about how these “sponsorship” agreements work, check out Tag-The-Sponsor, a blog that exposes Instagram models who engage in prostitution. It’s a wild world we live in, and this is exactly why you must vet accordingly.

This is not the norm in Ukraine like many may say, but it is important to note that it does happen and you need to be aware of it.

Conclusion: Kiev Girls Are Worth It!

Kiev girls are worth it.

Now, I hope I didn’t turn you off with my above observations on girls from Kiev. Kiev is a big city, which makes it a naturally more challenging dating market. Then again, I can safely say that it’s my favorite city for meeting women on the entire planet.

In reality, there’s nothing like going to Kiev and meeting women in person, as well as using online dating as a means of connecting with Ukrainian girls. The internet is a magical thing, as you no longer have to even get on a plane to explore the talent that Kiev has to offer, and can now do it from the comfort of your own home.

If you’re even somewhat curious about meeting women from Kiev, I suggest you check out this website.

Good luck out there!

-Expat Ukraine

What is the Best Ukraine Party City?

What is the Best Ukraine Party City?

Tourism continues to grow to Ukraine each and every year. Predictably, this has plenty of Westerners to head to Eastern Europe in search of fun, adventure, and some seriously beautiful girls. Of course, one of the most common questions we get at Expat Ukraine is “what is the best party city in Ukraine?” This is a very important question, as if you’re trying to head abroad to go on a bender, you must pick the right city. Today, we’re discussing the many options you have, and why Ukraine may be the next best place you can choose for a fun weekend out.

Why Go To Ukraine To Party?

Let’s say you’ve got a week of vacation saved up that you’re just dying to use. Maybe a few friends are down to tag along for the ride. You want to go to a new country where you’ll be immersed in a new culture, check out the local bar or club scene, meet interesting people, and make some memories.

Of course, you’re going to hear about the same, played out cities that everyone and their mother has been to a million times.

“Prague is crazy, like that movie Eurotrip!”

“Budapest has tons of hookers.”

“Smoke weed in Amsterdam!”

The list goes on. I don’t know about you, but a lot of these places sound seriously played out to me. That’s not to say you can’t possibly have a good time by going to a more “touristy” location, as I’ve had plenty of fun times in all of the above cities.

But, they get old quick. I don’t go on trips to hang out with British tourists and pay $8 a drink at an overpriced bar. Travel is all about having new experiences, and Ukraine is a great place to do so.

And, it’s one country that you can do so more affordably than almost anywhere else on earth.

Ukraine Might Be The Cheapest Holiday Ever

The big advantage that choosing a place like Ukraine that it’s infinitely cheaper than most common European party destinations. Believe it or not, it’s absolutely possible to drop thousands on an organized stag party in a place like Budapest or Prague.

The reality is that neither of these cities is particularly expensive, but that they are so used to tourists showing up that an entire industry has been built to screw you over.

Now, let’s compare that with Ukraine. There’s certainly a large number of tourists that visit the country, but it hasn’t become “mainstream” to visit there just yet.

As a result, drinks in Ukraine will typically run you between $1-$6. The nightlife scene in both Kyiv and Lviv is surprisingly good, regardless of if you want to hang out in pubs or are more interested in mega-nightclubs. 

Ukraine Has The Best Women in the World

I can’t tell you how ridiculous it is to hear people talk about “hot German girls” or “sexy chicks in Sweden.”

Ha, ha, ha. Don’t make me laugh.

If you say these things, it’s clear that you haven’t really travelled to that many places at all.

Look, the fact of the matter is that the women in Germany or Sweden are basically identical to the women that you find in Australia, the United States, or the U.K.

In other words, they’re nothing special at all.

They live in a culture that doesn’t encourage them to maximize their beauty and femininity. Of course, there are some attractive girls in these countries, but we have to keep in mind that women across all Westernized nations are generally held to the same lax standards.

On the other hand, Ukrainian women are some of the hottest in the entire world. It’s one place where they are taught from a young age that they are basically required to do their hair, wear makeup, and have a fashion sense if they want to meet a good man.

If you’re coming from a place like the UK, Germany or the USA, you will be absolutely stunned at the quality of the local women in Ukraine. While not every girl is an absolute knockout 10/10, you’ll find that even the most average, basic girls typically hover around 7/10 in terms of their attractiveness. 

Compare that to any Westernized nation, where the average girl is quite likely a 4/10, or maybe a 5/10, and you’ll see that Ukraine is worlds better.

In many ways, Ukraine is Europe’s best-kept secret. The economy is still recovering from Communism, so prices are still dirt cheap for any visiting Westerners. You’ll spend a fraction of what you would in any other European country, have access to world-class nightlife and an excellent bar scene, and be surrounded by a huge population of beautiful women.

What’s not to love, right? 

Now, it’s time to choose a city to visit.

What is the Best Ukraine Party City?

Kyiv – The obvious winner.

Most people are going to choose Kyiv nine times out of ten, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

Kyiv has the most variety of any Ukrainian city. Countless bars, nightclubs, and restaurants await you there.

Some of the downsides include that the city is just massive, getting around can be somewhat difficult and that flights can be surprisingly expensive when compared with cities like Lviv that are more popular for tourism.

Even still, for a quick trip, you’ll find that Kyiv is a seriously great time. It’s only when you decide to live in Ukraine full time that the difficulties become a bit more pronounced.

Nightlife Highlights

CHI By Decadance House

The best nightclub in Kyiv, bar none.

CHI has a bit of the “super club” type of vibe, but not in an overly pretentious way. Tables are available for less than a $100 spend, and there’s a big dancefloor area as well.

CHI books some of the world’s best DJ talent and is one place where you’ll see the absolute hottest women in Kyiv out on full display.

They can be a little bit strict at the door, so if you’re with a group, I suggest calling ahead and booking a table a day in advance to guarantee entry.


For Electronic fans.

If there’s a reason that Kyiv is frequently compared to Berlin’s nightlife, this would be it. CLOSER is consistently rated one of the best clubs in the world for Electronic music.

Now, let’s make no mistake. This is not the type of place you get suited up and buy a table at. It’s a bit grungy, bit druggy, strictly Electronic nightclub that specializes in House and Techno music.

The irony is that you can see many of the same artists who play at CHI here as well. Same music, but different vibe entirely. Both are a great time.

If this is your vibe, go here.


The standard nightclub experience.

Skybar is similar to CHI, but a little more mainstream and slightly less classy. I prefer both CLOSER and CHI because they’re a bit less tacky than a standard club, but if you’re into a more mainstream vibe, head over to Skybar.

Located directly in arena city, Skybar offers a picturesque view of the Kyiv skyline. The door prices can be a little bit high, around $20 or so per person. Even still, it pays to call ahead and book a table in advance.

And, this is, of course, another place where you’re going to see some absolutely stunning women.

Lviv – The one you didn’t expect.

I’d recommend people who don’t need to go completely “balls to the walls” consider Lviv. There are really only two good nightclubs, so if you’re more of a local bar or pub type of person, Lviv is certainly a good choice.

On top of that, the town is extremely small and easy to get around in. You can stay in any hotel or Airbnb in the city center and walk everywhere that you need to go.

Plus, budget airlines have made trips to Lviv incredibly cheap from many of Europe’s capital cities. Round trip tickets can be had for as low as $40 for a weekend, making it possibly the cheapest party city in all of Europe right now.

If you’re interested in checking out Lviv’s burgeoning nightlife scene, and the secret gems that we uncovered while there, check out our guide on Lviv nightlife.

Nightlife Highlights

Malevich Night Club

The best club in Lviv.

Lviv is not exactly known as a nightlife city, and yet this is one club that may have you thinking otherwise.

Malevich is the largest club in Eastern Europe. DJs are mostly local and the music policy is very commercial, but that doesn’t change the fact that you can have a seriously good time here.

Table service is extremely cheap, door prices are low, and entry is quick and painless. You can spend as little as $70 here for a few bottles.

Even still, most people don’t go to Lviv to go clubbing, and that’s why the bar scene is what we really recommend doing.

The Drunk Cherry

The Drunk Cherry is a Lviv institution. This is the perfect place to start off your night.

Situated right on Rynok Square, this place is little more than a tiny room where you buy Cherry flavoured Brandy, stand around a communal set of tables, and chat with groups of people. It’s always full, and you can meet tourists from all over here also.


Choven is a Western-style beer pub that’s situated two streets away from Rynok Square. Here, you’ll find groups of people hanging out after work. It’s less popular with girls (for obvious reasons), but sells excellent beer and has a lively atmosphere.

Both bar and table seating makes it a reasonable choice for socializing and seeing friends.

It’s usually packed, which makes it a great place to mingle with the locals as well.

Odessa – Seasonally amazing.

Odessa is amazing…for about three months a year. 

In many ways, Odessa is somewhat of a perfect city. The climate is a few degrees warmer than the rest of Ukraine. It is situated directly on the coast of the Black Sea. Nightlife is incredible and it’s just as affordable as the rest of Ukraine.

Unfortunately, this lasts from about June until September…and then it all goes away.

Odessa has something of an exodus outside of the summer months. The nightclubs are empty, the girls have traded their bikinis for parkas, and the season has officially ended. If you’ve ever been to Ibiza, it is a little bit like that. It’s on fire for a few months, and then it goes back into hibernation.

If you’re looking to party in Ukraine during the summer months, there are few choices better than Odesa. Particularly for a short trip, Odessa can be a lot of fun.

Nightlife Highlights

Ibiza Beach Club Odessa

Located directly on Arcadia Beach, this is consistently rated as the “place to be” when visiting Odessa.

Sure, you’ll get hit with a door cover of $15 and probably meet just as many tourists as you will locals, but so what? It’s a beach club.

Best of all, you can rent a cabana here during the day, and come here to book a table at night. Plan to visit on the weekend, and prepare to have a good time!


Itaka is nothing short of world-class. Just like Ibiza, it’s open both day and night. The first thing you’ll notice about Itaka is that it’s modelled after Greek ruins. This means gigantic white pillars, statues of gods, etc.

Yeah, it’s a little bit tacky, but it’s still a fun time. Sadly, a few of our writers have reported that they’ve fallen victim to the “bottle girl scam” here, where a girl will sit down at your table and run up a bill for the most expensive things on the menu.

We cannot confirm nor deny this, so keep your wits about you.

Morgan Club

If you want to get away from the “beach club” type of experience, take a trip over here for the evening. If this place reminds me of anything, it’s a college bar.

There are girls dancing on the bar, cheap drinks, and actually some pretty decent food! It’s not a dive by any means, but it’s not some high-class establishment like Ibiza is either.

This place is just a bit less pretentious and easier to approach girls at than a beach club, in my opinion. While it’s #3 on this list, it still comes in highly recommended from us.

Conclusion – What Is The Best Ukraine Party City?

The answer to this is largely going to depend on what you’re looking for.

To recap: Kyiv is generally the best choice unless you’re looking to do it on the cheap, at which point Lviv would be the most cost-effective. At the same time, if you’re not a huge nightclub person, a smaller city may be your best bet as well.

If you happen to be looking to go during the summer months, Odessa is a close competitor if you’re looking for more of a beach-style experience. 

No matter where you go, choosing Ukraine as a destination to party in is sure to provide a good time.

PS: If you’re interested in meeting Ukrainian women in Ukraine, I highly suggest you check out this website to see the local talent before you touch down.

Have fun out there!

-Expat Ukraine

What is Salo? All About Ukraine’s National Dish!

What is Salo? All About Ukraine’s National Dish!

If you’ve spent any time at all in Ukraine, you’ll be familiar with salo. Loved by many, and hated by plenty, salo is the national dish of Ukraine and a still a favorite among tourists and locals alike. It’s inevitable that when dating a Ukrainian girl, you’re going to have a chance to try it. Today, we’re going to discuss salo, how to eat it, where to try it, and why it is so important to Ukrainian culture.

What is Salo, Ukraine’s National Dish?

So…get ready for it.

Salo is, basically, thinly sliced pork fat.

That’s it. Salty pig fat, most commonly served on bread with a shot of vodka.

I know, I know. As a Westerner, this may sound pretty weird to you. In many ways, it is.

You can think of it in the same way that you do bacon or ham, except is has been either cured or smoked to the point where it’s safe to eat raw.

Sometimes, salo has a small amount of pork meat on it as well, but this is rarer. Typically, salo is served with no extra meat on it, unlike American bacon. It’s also important not to confuse it with lard, which is rendered and has a completely different taste.

Believe it or not, salo is enjoyed across virtually every Slavic culture. Each country has its own way of preparing it. If you go further east, you’ll find Salo that is cured with paprika. Go to Southeastern Europe, and you’ll find Salo that’s been smoked.

There’s no denying salo is a rather niche type of foodstuff. That being said, salo certainly wasn’t created by accident and is a hugely important part of Ukrainian history and culture.

History of Salo

First thing’s first, it is important to realize that salo actually wasn’t created in Ukraine.

In fact, salo was first created in the XIV century in Italy (of all places). Yes, the land of spaghetti and meatballs created the national dish of Ukraine…

But, salo wasn’t being served to Italian royalty. Salo was seen as a cheap, nutrient-packed item of food that was most often fed to slaves and other farmhands to keep them strong and healthy.

While many people may not consider salo to be the spitting image of health food, it is important to remember that animal fat is a hugely nutritious food source. It was over 700 calories in just 100 grams, as well as 12 grams of protein and 14 grams of carbohydrates.

For you non-gym goers: that’s a ton of nutrition.

While many people may not find it to be the world’s most appetizing dish, salo is indeed a food that makes survival during thin times easy.

Ukraine has been a poor country for many centuries, necessitating the people of the country to make use of every animal part they could during times of food shortage. Nothing went to waste, and though Ukraine has come a long way from needing to resort to grubbing on pig fat for survival, it’s become an important part of Ukrainian food culture.

On top of that, we have to remember that Ukraine has one of the coldest winters on earth. Though the country is known for extremely fertile farmland, people needed to stay fed outside of the harvest season.

That, my friends, is why salo has become a staple part of the Ukrainian diet.

A Versatile Food Source

Better yet, unlike the lean meat of a pig that expires relatively quickly, salo can be kept for months on end with or without refrigeration. It is a thick, calorie-dense food, something of a perfect food source for people in the unique economic and geographical constraints that Ukraine has historically felt.

Salo can even be melted down and used as cooking oil. In fact, it’s a personal favorite of ours to make potatoes fried in salo. The Ukrainians are indeed a crafty people, with some particularly frugal village people even using salo that’s truly gone bad as a water repellant for their boots!

While I’m guessing you probably won’t be spending so little money in Ukraine that you have to use expired salo to keep your boots fresh, it’s still important to give it a try while visiting Ukraine.

Preparation of Salo

Unless you’re a serious foodie, the chances of you making your own salo are pretty slim. Preparing salo the Ukrainian way typically means butchering a pig, and curing the fatback itself using salt in a cool, dry area for over a month.

The best way to try salo in Ukraine is to head out to a local pub with some friends, or your Ukrainian girlfriend, and enjoy it alongside some vodka.

How To Eat Salo in Ukraine

Salo is a multipurpose food. But, as a foreigner living in Ukraine, chances are you’ll be enjoying it as a snack alongside some alcoholic beverages.

Salo is most commonly eaten with some rye bread, garlic, and a little bit of paprika. If you order salo in a restaurant, chances are you’ll have it served to you like this the above photo.

I’d advise you to start slow with salo at first. It can really be an acquired taste, especially if you’re not the type of person who likes eating big portions of fatty meat.

Even still, salo really does go best when served with some vodka. The richness of the fat is balanced out nicely whenever you have a nice palette cleanser to wash it down with.

Personally, I enjoy eating salo with some rye-bread, a heavy dose of salt, and some spicy pepper slices. This makes a lovely little thing to munch on.

Chances are, most women you meet are not going to be big salo fans. Just like most Ukrainian women don’t like drinking vodka, they also don’t enjoy eating salo. It’s considered to be a dense, masculine food that puts meat on your bones, and it certainly is.

There’s no denying that eating salo is somewhat of a Ukrainian stereotype. The locals are known to make jokes about it, just because of how ridiculous of a foodstuff it really is.

But, that’s all the more reason you need to give it a try!

Where To Eat Salo in Ukraine

To be perfectly honest, you don’t need much of a travel guide to find good salo in Ukraine. Preparing it is as easy as plating it up with a few nice condiments. Even still, our favorite restaurants for chowing down on Ukraine’s national dish are as follows…

Kyiv: Every time we’re in Kyiv, we make a stop at Hatynka. While not quite an institution in the city, it’s just under the radar enough to prove one of Kyiv’s finest dining options.

Lviv: The best Salo in Lviv is often said to come from Kumpel, a legendary brewpub right in the city center. While there are plenty of tourist traps that promise to sell you the best salo in the city, take it from us, you can find it here.

Salo is Part of the Culture – Enjoy It!

Salo might not sound like the most appetizing dish in the world. Surely, it’s no comparison to eating pizza in Florence, or khinkali in Georgia. But, you must remember that traveling internationally is all about trying new things!

Even if you’re not super keen on this idea, I suggest you give it a whirl. Better yet, a plate of salo is usually no more than $3-$4. If you only try a few bites, I’m sure your waiter won’t blame you.

PS: If you’re curious about Ukrainian women, I highly suggest you check out this website.