The United States is often referred to as the “greatest country on Earth.” While many Ukrainians want nothing else than to escape their country, plenty of Americans have set their sights on it. Today, we’re going to talk about what it’s really like living in Ukraine as an American. Whether they’ve come to Ukraine to start dating beautiful women, save money, or just a change of life…one question always remains.
“Why Ukraine?”
And to be honest, it’s an entirely fair question for somebody to ask!
The truth is that living in Ukraine offers benefits that most people don’t know exist.
Read on to find out what it’s really like living in one of the Easternmost parts of Europe as someone from the USA.
The Land of Opportunity…Or Not?
Here’s one thing nobody tells you about America: most people there are actually rather poor, with many who are “just getting by.”
I know, I know. It sounds crazy. How can this be?
The shocking reality is that the richest country in the world is great at keeping people poor. The simple reality is that the cost of living in the United States is one of the highest in the world.
Between paying for health insurance, rent, car insurance, cell phone, and bills and utilities, the average American might have almost no money left over to keep for themselves at the end of the month.
On top of that, you’ll be working from 9-5, 5 days a week, with 2 weeks of vacation a year if you’re lucky.
While people in the developing world may be making less money than people in America, many do not know how good they actually have it in terms of living in a normal society that has not yet been subverted.
Money, however, shouldn’t be a problem for any expat who wants to live in Ukraine long term.
The reality is, you’ll end up with loads of it.
Savings and Finances
Ukraine is incredibly cheap. With even a regular, kind of crappy salary, you can absolutely kill it in terms of your lifestyle, and even have money left over. This never ever happens in the United States.
If there is one thing we have hammered into the heads of our readers time and time again, it is that you can have a five-star lifestyle in Ukraine for a one-star price.
When I first arrived, I literally could not believe it.
I don’t care if you’re doing freelance graphic design, writing college papers for lazy American students, or living off a pension: you’re going to have access to an excellent quality of life when living in Ukraine as an American.
Best of all: just because Ukraine is cheap does not mean the quality is suffering whatsoever.
Hell, if you’re ballsy, you can even stay at 5-star hotels for less than $100 a night.
Even the fanciest restaurants in town will hardly run you more than $80 for two people for a three-course meal, and perhaps even a bottle of wine or two.
Here’s a “typical” meal out for me that will cost no more than $12.
Try getting those prices in the USA.
All in all, you should spend no more than $1,500 for a seriously luxurious quality of life in Ukraine each month.
But what should I do with all this extra money?
Most expats in Ukraine end up with a surplus of money. How crazy is that?
Let’s do the math. If it costs $1,500 to have a “baller” lifestyle in Ukraine each year, you’re spending $18,000 a year in total living expenses. This includes housing, transportation, food, cell phone, you name it.
Even if you’re barely making $35,000 you will have $17,000 of leftover money each year!
Let me repeat: you can go to Ukraine as an American and live a rich person’s lifestyle while hardly ever working, and still have some money left over to invest.
This money can be used to pay off student loans, invest in the stock market, or buy real estate. For the first time ever, the choice is yours.
Quality of Life When Living in Ukraine as an American
My quality of life in Ukraine is higher than anywhere else I have ever lived.
I live in a brand new, one-bedroom apartment in the center of town.
It’s not uncommon for me to go out to eat just as much as I cook at home.
Taxi’s cost less than $5 each, and can you bet I’m not riding the bus.
I will often dine out at the nicest restaurants in town. I spend my evenings at cocktail bars and spend my days working in coffee shops drinking gourmet lattes.
All of this costs me a little less than $1,500 a month.
In the United States, it would cost at least $3,000 a month, probably more like $4,000.
One thing that many Ukrainians do not seem to realize about their country is that their women are a national treasure.
It is common for American girls to start having sex when they are as young as 13. By the time they are married, they may have slept with as many as 50 different men.
In some cases, the number can be as high as 100. That’s 100 different men an American girl has slept with before she turns 25.
This is not uncommon at all in the United States.
Imagine…the mother of your children has slept with 99 different men. Then, she finally chooses to have one or two kids with you (if they’re even really yours).
Even a prostitute in Ukraine may not have slept with 100 men in her life. American women, on the other hand, will give it away for free…but only to a few men.
But wait, isn’t that a good thing for me?
Listen, we all know that the most attractive women are only letting the top 20% of men sleep with them.
If you’re not an athlete, a business executive, a bar owner, a DJ, or just extremely good looking (like me), then you stand no chance with most of the American girls you actually want to have fun with.
We all know a guy like this, and he’s probably keeping most of the girls for himself. Who can blame him?
But you know what? Let him have all the American girls.
On top of this, let’s talk about how American women present themselves versus women in Ukraine.
Picture how the normal American girl dresses. See her on an average day, and she’ll be wearing athletic shorts, a hoodie, and a ratty pair of sneakers. Her hair will not be done. She will look (and act) like she’s just rolled out of bed.
Let’s compare that to an average-looking Ukrainian girl.
Here, you have impeccable style, finely done hair and carefully applied makeup. All the normal things that quality girls do.
The differences are shocking. Let’s not forget that 50% of women under the age of 25 in the United States are overweight.
Obesity is literally an epidemic in the United States.
This is not to bash everyone who struggles with maintaining their weight, but, let’s be honest. Most men do not want to date a girl who has 25, if not 50 pounds to lose.
Luckily, Western men are free to visit countries like Ukraine, and can marvel at how much of normal body mass and size are supposed to look.
Conclusion: Living in Ukraine as an American is Excellent!
Living in Ukraine is not without it’s faults.
But let’s not forget that there are just as many (if not way more) with living in the United States.
Personally, I would rather not live in a country that is mostly full of fat people, promiscuous girls who don’t try to look good, and prices that prevent most average people from ever truly becoming rich.
It is almost like, by living in America, they want you to fail.
Instead, I live in a country that, while there are some overweight people, most people look rather normal in size.
Ukraine is a country where it is possible for the average guy to save over 70% of his income, investing it in the process and becoming far wealthier than ever before.
Living in Ukraine as an American has made a life that I never could have imagined possible.
PS: If the idea of living in Ukraine interests you, I highly suggest youcheck out Ukraine Date to have a look at some of the beautiful women in the country. Signing up for an account is totally free, and we suggest everyone who is serious about learning about Ukraine have a look.
Whenever I first decided to begin living in Ukraine as a foreigner, it seemed as if everyone I knew had just one question, “Why Ukraine?” Aside from the fact that living in Ukraine allows you to start meeting beautiful Ukrainian women, I understand why people were so surprised.
Make no mistake, this is a fair question. When the news media in most Western nations seems to only have bad things to say about a particular country…it can be easy to have a negative impression about it.
To date, I have now been living in Ukraine for over 3 years. In that time I’ve had plenty of ups and downs, but I would not trade my experiences for the world.
I can honestly say that living in Ukraine as a foreigner has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.
So…what is the shocking truth about living in Ukraine as a Foreigner?
Read on to find out.
Ukraine is Incredibly Cheap For Foreigners
The first thing that any foreigner will notice while living in Ukraine is just how cheap it is.
As we’ve mentioned before, Lviv is among one of the cheapest cities in the world, just two steps above Bangalore, India. Paying such a small amount to live in gorgeous, European capital is simply absurd.
Even Kiev, the most “expensive” city in the country, is ranked at 329 out of 375 cities on earth.
All in all, your total spend for an upper-middle class lifestyle is going to be no more than $1,500.
If that’s not a good value, I don’t know what is.
High Quality of Life While Living in Ukraine as a Foreigner
Because Ukraine is so cheap, even a small, internet-based salary can afford a person access to top-tier luxuries in the country.
For example, a membership at a “health-spa” styled gym will run about $50 a month. Uber in Ukraine is among the cheapest in the world, with rides ranging from $2-$5 generally. Meals out can range between $4-$20 depending on how nice of a restaurant you like to dine at. Above all else, newly renovated apartments can rent for less than $500 a month.
We covered the exact budget that you can expect to spend in Ukraine in this post.
Remember this: low prices in Ukraine give you access to the highest quality amenities that the country has to offer. While the majority of the population may be living in relative poverty, access to a reasonable salary paid in US dollars immediately puts you in the top 10% of income earners in the country.
In general, you can expect your salary to go four times farther in Ukraine.
For example, a $25,000 a year salary in Ukraine will give you access to a $100,000 a month lifestyle in the United States, U.K., etc.
Let’s say that someone spends $1,500 a month for a “baller” lifestyle in Ukraine on a $25,000 yearly salary. That leaves an extra $7,000 to do whatever you want with.
I know numerous people that have begun investing this extra money into the stock market, paid off their student debts, or started businesses with the money they save living in Ukraine.
That, my friends, is how your financial life can truly start to change as a result of living in Ukraine. You may leave a shabby expat, but if you play your cards right, you should reemerge as a person of means.
It Is Corrupt…But Who Really Cares?
There is no denying the political situation in Ukraine is extremely corrupt.
Let me ask you a question: when was the last time that politics directly impacted your life?
Think about it…
One of the best things that living in Ukraine as a foreigner has revealed to me is that the state of a country’s politics generally have 0 bearing on my everyday life.
I remember when, not too long ago, Americans thought that the election of Donald Trump was going to fundamentally change the country.
…and what has happened? Almost nothing.
This begs the question of just how much Ukraine’s corrupt political system will impact your life as a foreigner. I can safely say that, for the average expat, there is literally nothing to worry about here. Will Zelenskiy’s failure as a negotiator make the price of your $1 latte going up? Did Yanukovych’s embezzling of funds from taxpayers increase the price of your rent?
Nope, nah, and no. This is all fear-based propaganda.
Granted, there are a few exceptions. I do not use Ukrainian banks as they are notoriously untrustworthy. I do not own any property in the country (yet), and generally avoid making business deals involving large transfers of funds inside of Ukraine.
Instead, I use a fantastic online bank that charges me 0% commissions for foreign transactions. I pay $500 a month for a luxurious, city center apartment and I work on the internet.
Problem solved.
Slavic Culture Conquers All
One of my personal favorite parts about living in Ukraine is that you are generally cut away from the superficial parts of American culture.
In my three years of living in the country, I did not hear one song by degenerate rappers like Cardi B. I was not bombarded with advertisements for overpriced American consumer products. I don’t hear the same 10 American pop songs on the radio everyday.
To me, this is refreshing. While Ukraine does have their own pop music and slightly annoying advertising (that I don’t understand), I find all of these to be far less offensive than in the United States.
In fact, it was only on a recent trip to Serbia that I realized just how cut off Ukraine is from all of these things. Many countries in Eastern Europe have something of an affinity for American culture. Ukraine, however, is not one of them.
Personally, I like having the option of consuming type of media I want. If I want to watch South Park, I’ll throw on Netflix and binge for an afternoon. Do I want to hear everyone talking about Game of Thrones non-stop?
Hell no.
Ukraine is very much outside of the Western sphere of influence in regards to culture. For a foreigner living in Ukraine, this is going to be one of the most obvious differences between life at home and your life in Eastern Europe.
The Girls Are Unbelievably Attractive
Do I even need to say it?
Girls in Ukraine are simply gorgeous. While of course, not every single girl you see walking down the street is going to be a knockout, there is generally just a much higher number of attractive women in Ukraine than most other countries. Let’s talk about why this is…
First off, you have to take into account genetics. Slavic women generally fit Western standards of beauty, with Ukrainian women being more genetically prone to having fair skin, soft facial features, elongated legs, and an average stature. Most guys from the West tend to see these as positive traits.
This already puts Ukrainian women miles above other ethnic groups by virtue of birth alone.
Second, Ukraine is a rather “traditional” country in which women are still encouraged by their parents, peer groups and society and large to wear dresses, high heels, and maximize their femininity. There are exceptions to every rule, and yet this is generally the way things are in Ukraine.
You could best compare it to the United States in the 1950s in regards to how it treats gender differences. There was never a “sexual revolution” in which women were encouraged to begin acting like men, cut their hair short and put on extra weight because “I’m perfect just the way I am.”
It just doesn’t work that way in Ukraine.
Just as men understand that their value is tied to the work they can do and what they can provide in terms of fun, finance, and stability, women realize that their beauty is something to be nourished and not scorned.
The Truth About Living in Ukraine as a Foreigner
The truth about living in Ukraine is that it is awesome.
Living in Ukraine as a foreigner allows me to get more out of life, specifically in regards to money, women and overall quality.
I live a luxurious lifestyle for a fraction of the cost of what it would be in the United States. Beyond this, I can save and invest the remainder of my salary, something that has quickly allowed my net worth to rise far above that of my peer group. To top it all off, I have access to the world’s most beautiful women. What’s not to love?
Granted, living in Ukraine is certainly not for everyone, but if you’re the type of person who is reading this website, then I am going to guess that you’re not everyone…and that’s a good thing.
Give It A Shot
Obviously, not everyone who reads this is going to buy a plane ticket and head off to Eastern Europe right away, and for good reason.
Personally, I believe you should “dip your toes in the water” before diving in, and there are a few particular dating apps that are great for doing just this. Using a dating app will allow you to get a glimpse of all the gorgeous Ukrainian girls you want, before ever setting foot in the country.
In the dating world, we call this “pipelining,” as you’re setting up potential dates before you even arrive. If you want to get a glimpse of what living in Ukraine as a foreigner is like, I suggest you sign up for a free account at Ukraine Date today.
Many people will often say that one of the most challenging things that a foreigner has to do while living in Ukraine is to rent an apartment. It’s true. Between dealing with websites in Russian, greedy apartment agents, and making sure you’re not getting ripped off, it can be quite the task! Plus, when you’re trying to meet a beautiful Ukrainian woman, it pays to have a cozy place to bring her back to.
Fortunately, we’ve been through the process many times, and this guide can help you rent the apartment of your dreams in Ukraine.
Let’s get started!
Renting in Ukraine: How Cheap Are Apartments?
One of the best parts about living in Ukraine as an expat is that you can often rent an amazing apartment for a fraction of what you would have to pay at home. If there’s any, one thing that we stress on this website time and time again, it is this…
Renting apartment in Ukraine is (mostly) cheap.
…and there is an abundance of inexpensive, luxurious apartments to rent in Ukraine.
On average, you should pay no more than $500 a month for a long term (more than 3 months) rental of an apartment in Ukraine.
Realistically, you should be able to get one for much less if you’re willing to live in a studio…but who wants to do that?
You could possibly pay $600 or $700, but only if you are staying in a truly luxurious pad. I generally just tell people not to pay these prices, because more often than not, they’re getting ripped off.
The one exception to this is Kiev, where apartments have become extraordinarily expensive compared to the rest of the country.
In Kiev, you’d be hard-pressed to find a genuinely nice place in the city center for less than $750 per month. It certainly hasn’t always been this way, and this is often why we suggest not immediately thinking the capital is the best part of the country.
Communism Meant Free Apartments For The Soviets
During Soviet times, most Ukrainians were literally given a Khrushchyovka, or communal apartment. In fact, if you continued to apply and were lucky, you could even end up with multiple apartments.
Ahhh, yes…the joys of Communism!
Many Ukrainian people rent inherited apartments out as a large portion of their income. It’s not uncommon to meet young ladies who technically “own” an apartment. But, most have certainly not done this by their own merit. Instead, they’ve simply inherited their grandmother’s pad.
Many of these places end up being renovated to a European standard and honestly being quite lovely. Considering construction work will cost 1/4th of what it would in the United States, it’s a no brainer to modernize an inherited apartment.
As such, most Ukrainians would be thrilled to host a foreigner with a stable income source who can pay them in US dollars each month. Plus, you can expect them to try to squeeze you for an extra $100 or so over what they would charge a local person.
Sure, you can barter with them. But, at some point, I’m seriously not going to try to nickel and dime a poor person in Ukraine.
But, in my younger years as an expat, you can bet that either me (or one of my girlfriends) would never let a Ukrainian landlord charge us a dime over what a local would pay.
Unfortunately, the process of finding an apartment can be more complicated than many foreigners are used to.
Ukrainian Apartment Agents
In Ukraine, there is an entire industry of people who serve as “apartment agents.”
Their one, and only job, is to find people who want to rent apartments, and people who own properties. They merely as a middle man between renters and home owners.
For some reason, most Ukrainian property owners have not figured out that they can just do this themselves using classifieds online.
Agents usually charge 50% of one month’s as a finders fee.
In Ukraine, this is some serious money. For a lease that is $500 a month, that means you’re paying $250 up front!
We call this “foreigner tax,” as they know you are probably making plenty more than the $600 monthly wage that most Ukrainians are earning.
Of course, we suggest avoiding using an agent if at all possible. If you plan to sign a year lease, perhaps this fee does not matter to you. Personally, I cannot stand being ripped off. It’s hard to get me to part with my hard-earned cash.
My first apartment in Ukraine was $600 a month. It sure was nice. But, I could have gotten a place in the United States for that much.
Of course, I found it on AirBnb. This brings us to our first question…
Should I Use AirBnb to Rent in Ukraine?
AirBnb is essentially the Uber of apartment rentals. You can pick up a fully furnished home anywhere in the world through the service for prices that are less than half of a hotel.
I’ve used it plenty of times, and still do today when traveling. And, protection from scams is always a nice bonus.
AirBnb is your best choice for a short stay in Ukraine. Nothing beats paying between $15-$60 a night for a nice apartment for a week-long trip. While hotels in Ukraine are cheap, AirBnb is still the most budget friendly option.
For more than one month, however, AirBnb can be a huge ripoff. After all, you didn’t travel thousands of miles from home to pay Western prices for an apartment.
For a longer stay, you have to do things a little bit differently.
Feel free to try to negotiate the rate via the “chat” option on the website, and be sure to vaguely mention that you may be interested in extending your stay after you arrive.
Here’s a good example of how to do this:
Once you are on the ground and settled into your new pad, you can then offer to start paying them a monthly rate in US dollars that is even lower than the price you have agreed upon.
While you can do this via the chat option on the AirBnb website, this is technically against the AirBnb Terms of Service. To be safe, simply explain to your AirBnb host, in person, that you wish to extend your stay.
Chances are, they will be receptive.
A monthly fee paid in cash is a better deal for both the owner of the apartment and the consumer. AirBnb keeps a huge percentage of their earnings. Plus, money paid via the internet is likely to be subject to taxes. These expenses get passed onto you.
In short: AirBnb is a great resource for getting introduced to landlords while abroad.
Rent Apartment in Ukraine: Resources
I do not suggest attempting to use any Ukrainian classified websites without the help of a local.
Once you’re ready to step into the “wild west” of Ukrainian commerce, OLX is the most popular classifieds site in the entire country.
Your mileage may vary here. There are countless greedy agents, ripoffs, and “bait and switch schemes” on these websites. Fortunately, there are plenty of great deals there as well.
Another idea is to utilize the many expat-centric Facebook groups in Ukraine. You can leave posts in these groups that state the type of apartment you are seeking, as well as your budget.
Here’s a few of Ukraine’s most popular expat communities:
In the end…an AirBnb host is generally far more trustworthy than anyone else you will meet online, as if they attempt to scam you, you can simply report them to AirBnb. They know this, and so do you. It’s an unspoken virtue when trying to rent an apartment in Ukraine.
You shouldn’t have to use AirBnb for long, though. If you fail to negotiate a reasonable deal with your host, you can bet that a cute Ukrainian girl will be your best asset when looking for an apartment.
The Girls Will Help You Rent
In the end, the key to getting a nice apartment for a low price is meeting a nice Ukrainian girl to help you out.
Most Ukrainian girls would be happy to help you get set up in their home city. They know it’s a good way to keep you around. Plus, most Ukrainian girls live with their parents and would jump at the opportunity to be able to spend time with a guy they like in the privacy of their own home.
It also gives you a good excuse to get you her to come over, especially if she’s helping you “break-in” the new apartment you found together.
I’ll leave it at that. Happy apartment hunting!
PS: The best way to start meeting and chatting with Ukrainian girls today is by using Ukraine Date. I suggest you head on over to their website and see for yourself, I promise you won’t be disappointed!
Let’s say you’ve just arrived in Ukraine. Whether you’re in Kiev, Lviv or Odessa, you’re about to get ready, have a tall glass of tap water, and go meet some of the beautiful girls in Ukraine.
…but not so fast.
Many Americans are used to being able to walk right up to their faucet and drink what comes out of it. Unfortunately, this is not something you will be doing in Ukraine.
One of the most commonly asked questions about Ukraine is if the tap water is safe in Kiev, Lviv or Odessa? Sadly, the short answer is: NO.
Let me repeat: In Lviv, Kiev and Odessa, you cannot drink the tap water.
When most Americans hear this, they freak out! People will often make rude remarks about Ukraine because of this, and make fun of the economic state of the country.
Don’t worry. There is an easy solution to the issue of undrinkable tap water in Ukraine.
For starters, let’s discuss why the water in Ukraine is generally of very poor quality.
Ukraine’s Water Quality Is Quite Bad
Compared with the rest of Europe, the water quality in Ukraine is rather abysmal. While it’s safe for showering and washing dishes, it’s undeniably a risky endeavor drinking it.
No, it certainly will not kill you. In fact, many local people will occasionally drink it to no real effect. That being said, the reason has mostly to do with the fact that public infrastructure in Ukraine isn’t the best.
You can see this with large potholes in the street, crumbling buildings, and public transportation that’s from the 1950’s. In general, the country simply dosen’t have the money to update its infrastructure.
When it comes to the public water system there, you can be assured that water treatment plants are nowhere near what they are in Western Europe. Pipes are old, and often rusting. Furthermore, there’s very little enviornmental regulation, making it such that industrial pollution could realistically find it’s way into the ground water, which then may find it’s way into public water.
The Public Water Supply In The West Is Equally Untrustworthy
When I first moved abroad, I was honestly quite put off by this. I was worried about the water I was showering in, and put off by the fact that I’d be buying bottled water each day.
But, to be honest, this is something that fades with time in quite a big way.
For example, let’s not forget that public water in the United States is reused sewage water. This makes it necessary to treat it with chlorine, as well as makes for a high level of hormonal pollution.
Did you know that birth control is said to add as much as 10 million doses of synthetic estrogen to American public water each day? Think about it…when someone takes a medication and later uses the restroom, the byproducts have to go somewhere.
And, where do they go?
Back into the public water supply system.
Ukraine Does Not Fluoridate Their Water
On top of that, American public water is treated with Fluoride. Not to get too conspiratorial on you, but Fluoride is a proven neurotoxin that has been proven to make people docile and compliant.
Furthermore, Austria, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, West Germany, Serbia and Ukraine have all BANNED fluoride from being added to the public water system.
I’ll be honest, one of my favorite parts about Ukraine is that they do not forcibly medicate their population by pumping chemicals into the public water supply.
In short, while I do not trust the water supply in Ukraine, I especially do not trust the water supply in the United States.
Luckily for me (and you) there’s an easy way to get clean drinking water in Ukraine delivered to your home that would normally seem like a luxury in the United States.
Bottled Water & Grocery Delivery in Kiev, Lviv and Odessa
One of the best parts about Ukraine is that you can have all of your groceries delivered straight to your house. The biggest supermarket in the country is called METRO, and they have a great website where you can order your groceries straight to your home.
If you use Google Chrome, you can translate the page with the click of a button.
While grocery deliver may seem extortiately expensive in the West, it’s insanely cheap in Eastern Europe.
Delivering a few week’s worth of groceries costs less than $3 in local currency. A case of water is hardly $3, and my favorite brand is Morshinska. It is a fantastic, clean mineral water that I love drinking.
You can pay with a regular credit or debit card, and schedule a delivery time that works for you. The delivery man even brings it up four flights of stairs for me every time.
All in all, this saves me countless hours each week that would normally be spent walking to the grocery store, picking up groceries, and walking home.
No thanks. I’m not much of a snob, but I’m a busy guy and I’d rather not waste time on something that I can pay someone else $3 to do for me.
I have all of my water delivered this way, and I drink clean, high quality mineral water every single day.
Imagine drinking delicious sparkling, delivered in cases to your home for mere pennies.
This is the kind of thing that’s reserved for the 1% in America, but as a foriegner living in Ukraine, it’s an everyday occurence.
What first appears to be a downside of visiting the country ends up turning into yet another luxury of life in Ukraine.
It really is that easy.
Water Filters: An Essential Item For Your Ukraine Trip
You can also purchase a water filter, many of which are portable enough to bring with you in a suitcase. Purchasing one of these will ensure the water is safe enough to drink at any moment. I cannot suggest that you get one enough!
Chances are, you won’t find for purchase in Ukraine, so you will have to grab one on Amazon and tuck it away in your suitcase.
You need to keep a water filter in your apartment, just in case your delivery is late and you have to filter tap water for drinking, or making a cup of coffee. You don’t want to be stuck without clean water to drink!
But, even if you are, drinking the occasional glass of Ukrainian public water is not going to kill you. I’ll be the first to admit that even I’m guilty of doing this.
And, it sure beats drinking the fluoridated, estrogen laden crap that comes out of the faucet in the United States.
Ukrainian People Don’t Drink Tap Water in Kiev, Lviv or Odessa
Just like how most Ukrainian people will freely admit that their politicians are corrupt, Ukrainians simply acknowledge that they cannot drink the water in their home country.
It’s no big deal to them, nor should it be to you!
You either filter your water at home, or have delicious mineral water delivered. In my opinion, this is an incredibly small price to pay for having such a high standard of living in Ukraine otherwise.
Conclusion: Can You Drink Tap Water in Kiev, Lviv or Odessa?
Since moving to Eastern Europe, I’ve quadrupled my finances due to a low cost of living and easily improved my romantic life by 10x.
It’s the job of someone else to worry about getting my groceries to my home.
I no longer drink tap water, because tap water is basic. I’m not a basic person, and I don’t do basic things.
Therefore, I drink delicious mineral water. And you can too.
I worry about the important stuff, and I let the delivery man worry about making sure I’m drinking fresh water each day.
…plus, it’s ridiculously cheap.
I hope you’ve enjoyed our blog piece on the tap water quality in Ukraine. The point was not to ramble on about the state of Ukraine’s crumbling infrastructure.
Instead, it is to realize that when you’re living the dream in Eastern Europe, tap water is the least of your concerns.
Even when I visit the USA, I never drink tap water simply out of habit at this point. I’ve been spoiled by the ridiculously crisp taste of a fresh bottle of mineral water.
And you can be too.
Stay thirsty!
-Expat Ukraine!
PS: If you want to have a look at some of the amazing girls that Ukraine has to offer, check out this website.