Let’s say you’re chatting with a beautiful Ukrainian girl that you’ve just met. Even though everything seems to be going well, you still feel somewhat uneasy. You’re not totally “sure” that she feels that all-important bit of passion for you. Maybe she’s even a bit cold. If this sounds like you, don’t worry. Just because Ukrainian girls are beautiful does not mean they’re forward about their emotions! In fact, most Ukrainian girls can be rather distant when you’re first getting to know them. At the end of the day, you might be wondering if she really likes you or not? Fortunately for you, today’s article is all about how to tell if a Ukrainian girl likes you.
Let’s get started!
Table of Contents
Take It Slow
The biggest mistake that I always see guys from the West making when dating girls in Ukraine is trying to rush things.
I know, I know. You’re excited. Ukraine is a country where it seems like every man can have an attractive girlfriend. A reasonably well put together man from the West can absolutely crush it in Ukraine. You know this, I know this, and the girls know it too.
But, you must not think that their beauty and the effort they put into their appearances means that they are “easy.” When learning how to tell if a Ukrainian girl likes you, this is absolutely crucial.
In Ukraine, there is generally a “three-date rule” before anything physical happens. But, also don’t be surprised if it takes more than three dates to get intimate.
I’ve had girls make me wait as long as six separate dates before her clothes came off. In the West, this usually means that a man is getting played, or that you’ve hit the dreaded “friend zone.”
In Ukraine, however, you have to remember that women are not as promiscuous as the rest of the world. In other words, Ukrainian girls can be a tough cookie to crack…at first.
Ukrainian Girls Are Often Ice Cold…At First
Whenever I first started dating Ukrainian girls, I always thought that I was doing something wrong on my first dates.
I hate to admit it. But, it’s not uncommon for you to be doing the vast majority of the talking the first few times that the two of you meet.
It can be a true test of your will. Your Ukrainian love interest may literally just sit there, nodding her head and occasionally smiling while you speak to her.
To complicate things, she might not speak English very well. You’re probably going to have to slow down how fast you talk. It also helps to tone down your vocabulary a bit, too.
Don’t worry. As strange as this sounds, this is completely normal. It is important to realize when learning how to tell if a Ukrainian girl likes you that you have to be somewhat of an “entertainer” at first.
If you want to learn more about this, check out our more in-depth guide to Ukrainian dating culture.
But…once you break through a tough outer exterior, you will find a world of affection and love.
Getting Close With Her
Ukrainian girls have a cultural belief that having a tough exterior shell is necessary to protect their modesty when meeting a new man.
It can sometimes be rather uncommon to meet a Ukrainian girl, and to immediately “hit it off.” Instead, there’s a courtship process that men are expected to engage in. It largely involves going on dates, telling her interesting stories that show your value, paying the tab, and going for a kiss when you two separate.
This is all a charade. In fact, if there’s anybody who is rooting for you to be a calm, collected, strong gentleman, it is her.
If you pass her initial tests, the wellspring of love and affection that will soon bestow itself onto you knows no bounds.
I’ve never dated a more dedicated woman than a Ukrainian. But, you will have to prove yourself a bit.
This might sound crazy, but think about it. If a man can’t deal with a girl who dosen’t totally jump into his arms and make it easy for him, how will he ever deal with truly challenging emotional situations in life? Like all women, Ukrainian girls want a strong man who can protect them.
Ukrainian Girls are Not Westernized: Get Used To It
In the United States, you can meet a girl off of Tinder and sleep with her the same night. It’s kind of cool…until it’s not.
You may hardly know her, and she’ll tell you every single detail about her life. From the name of her dog to the town she grew up in, she will be a total chatterbox. After a while, you’ll wonder if you should have even slept with her…or more importantly, how many other guys she has slept upon first meeting.
Ukrainian girls, generally speaking, do not do this. Of course, you’re always going to have the town harlots that you can find on Tinder, but this type of behavior is not encouraged in Ukraine as it is in the West.
Instead, women are rather modest in Ukraine. They can be rather shy at first, unsure of who you are, what you want to do with them, and who you are as a person. Ukrainian girls are well aware of their value, and will not give up the best part of themselves for free to any random man like a girl will in the West.
Think about it: she doesn’t know you. Why should she trust you at first?
These are signs of someone with a healthy amount of skepticism towards the world around them. If anything, this is a sign that a girl is a relationship quality woman as opposed to a whore who will open her legs because she thinks you’re “funny.”
In fact, if a Ukrainian girl doesn’t like you, she will often be the first to make it clear to you…
The ONE Thing To Remember When Learning How To Tell if a Ukrainian Girl Likes You
The most important thing you have to remember here is that if a Ukrainian girl is taking time out of her day to go on dates with you, or even just chat with you, you can bet that you have a chance with her.
Ukrainian girls realize that their attention isn’t to be given out for free. In many ways, they have a sense of self-respect that is to be admired.
While girls in Ukraine will not be so direct to tell you that they like you at first, they typically do not waste any time if they don’t want to be around you.
If a Ukrainian girl is uninterested, she will most likely reject your advances early on. She will say she is busy and cannot meet you, that she has a boyfriend, or that she’s simply not interested.
This is a good thing. Why would you want to spend time with someone who isn’t attracted to you?
Fortunately, as a foreigner in Ukraine, you already have a natural advantage and will likely be on the receiving end of a healthy amount of interest from the local girls.
Conclusion: Learning How To Tell if a Ukrainian Girl Likes You Isn’t All That Hard!
To wrap things up, learning how to tell if a Ukrainian girl likes you is not always the most straightforward process. You have to remember that Ukrainian girls are not as direct as the more masculine girls in the West. They are often meek, shy little creatures who take a little bit of time to open up. Like all great things in life, they require some work. But, the lucky men who invest the time in building a bond with a woman from Ukraine will certainly be rewarded.
That, my friends, makes the entire process of meeting a Ukrainian woman totally worth it.
By the way, if you’re interested in meeting Ukrainian women, I highly suggest you check out this website.
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