There’s no denying that dating Ukrainian women is a huge step up from dating girls from the West. That being said, it can be easy for guys who are used to dating Western girls to make some pretty serious mistakes that will cripple their chances of having a successful relationship with the girl of their dreams. Make these mistakes at your own peril!

Without further adieu, let’s learn about what NOT to do when dating Ukrainian women.

Mistake #1: Not Being Masculine Enough

You must be a masculine man when dating Ukrainian women.

Gender roles are a two way street. You get what you give.

Many men (predominately those who sit around on the internet all day) complain about how American women are not feminine, how society has ruined the world for men, and how there are just “no good women left.”

This is the exact opposite of what masculine men do.

Newsflash: if you want a feminine woman, you have to be a masculine man.

Femininity and masculinity are Yin and yang. Want a woman who is nice, dresses well, and takes care of you?

Get ready to be a strong, independent man who takes bullshit from nobody, including her.

There is, however, a fine line here. We have to keep in mind that the way you express your masculinity to Ukrainian women is going to be somewhat different than how you would with girls in the West.

Mistake #2: Being “Too” Alpha

Don't come across too strong when dating Ukrainian women.

American women, for the most part, like being treated badly.

Go ahead. Freak out and cry. I don’t care. This is the truth.

After years of dating these creatures, I grew accustomed to purposely ignoring their requests, not calling them back, or outright ignoring them for days at a time.

Guess what? It worked fabulously. You never, ever want to be in the “nice guy” category with an American girl. The nicer you are to American women, they more desperate they think you are.

I’ve been in both categories, and girls always respond better to the asshole who does not care about them than the nice guy who is sweet to them.

This might sound crazy, but when you start to consider that less men than ever are having sex, it starts to make total sense.

Why would a man who has infinite options available to him do anything other than the bare minimum for a woman?

The truth is, I never really respected these women because of just how easily they would let a variety of different men sleep with them, how poorly they dressed, and how they believed they were owed the world for just existing.

Disrespecting them, for me, is actually pretty easy.

Ever wonder why “nice guys finish last?” This has always been true, but the situation has just gotten insane in the United States in recent years.

In Ukraine, you can still be a normal guy, with a good job who is reasonably nice to his girlfriend, and do pretty well. No matter who you are, you can usually land an attractive girlfriend in that country.

You’ll be delighted to hear that many of the Ukrainian girls you will find are actually deserving of your respect, unlike their American counterparts.

All women enjoy dating a man that they perceive as being high value, who is sure of himself and can walk away at any moment and easily go find another, perhaps even a hotter girl.

These aren’t the kind of girls you quickly “pump and dump” after a one-night stand. In fact, it’s probably going to take at least 3 dates (hopefully more) to get her into bed.

They won’t sleep with you on the first date. If she’s going out with you, you can bet she’s spent a huge amount of time making herself look beautiful for you. As the two of you get closer together, she will likely start to do things like cook meals you enjoy, clean up your house, and generally just try to make you feel happy and comfortable.

What a crazy world that the West has a become. A society where women no longer do the things they are supposed to do, and men no longer treat them with respect as a result.

Don’t do this stuff in Ukraine. Be a gentlemen, although a firm one who enforces his own boundaries. You have to be masculine, remember?

I don’t tell guys to go to Ukraine with the intention of being a hardcore, alpha player. All you will do is confuse the local girls and hurt their feelings, while getting nothing in return.

Here is a life lesson for you: Women don’t randomly deserve your respect because they are female. Women deserve your respect if they are respectable.

Let me tell you this: Ukraine is full of respectable women.

In order to reciprocate the respect your woman shows you, you will have to engage in basic acts of chivalry if you expect to have a successful relationship with a Ukrainian girl.

Mistake #3: Neglecting Basic Chivalry

Chivalry is important when dating Ukrainian women.

I know, I know. Chivalry is a dirty word to many guys reading this.

But it really shouldn’t be! After all, if someone respects your boundaries, cooks you delicious food, and does whatever she can to make you happy, should you not want to do something nice in return?

This means doing basic things, like opening doors, taking her hand when she’s stepping out of a vehicle, holding her jacket when she’s putting it on, and of course, paying when you go on dates.

Mistake #4: Not Paying – A Must When Dating Ukrainian Women

The average salary in Ukraine is about $400 a month.

If you’re an expat who is living in Ukraine, you should easily be making twice that at absolute minimum.

You’re seriously going to tell me that you’re going to ask a girl to split a $20 meal with you if she’s making $400 a month?

Look guys, I don’t love paying for girls when I go out on dates either, but I still do it.

This does not mean acquiescing to her every demand. Do not misinterpret my advice as meaning you have to pay her rent, bills, and give her an allowance every month. If you have a girlfriend that’s asking you for these things early on, I’d be seriously skeptical of her.

Mistake #5: Letting Her Walk All Over You

Bossy Ukrainian girl.

I hate to break it to you fellas, but just because a woman is from Ukraine does not mean she’s not still a woman.

Like it or not, women are constantly testing your limits. Most men don’t understand this, but I invite you to think back to your own childhood as a good look at practical female psychology.

Imagine you are seven years old, and your mother and father have just told you “no.” Maybe it’s going to your friends house, maybe you wanted to ride your bike on the street, whatever. We all know the feeling.

…and remember, how even if your Dad would tell you no, you would go ask your Mom instead?

You just had to know if you could ride your bike outside, and you were gonna push the limits and test your parents until they let you do so. At a certain point, it wasn’t even about doing what you wanted, but more your childlike brain needing to know if you could get your way.

Let’s say that your Mom agreed to whatever it is that you wanted, at which point you went and you delivered the classic line that is the bane of existence of fathers worldwide.

“But Mom said I could!”

“Fine…” your father replies.

Big mistake.

Now, you are well and fully aware of the fact that your Dad can easily be manipulated, and any time you wanted something, you would use the same tactic. In reality, you realized that your Dad held no authority, and you stopped respecting what he said. You know that, no matter what he says, his authority can be easily subverted and you don’t have to take his words seriously.

Welcome to the mind of a woman.

Just because a woman is beautiful and feminine does not mean she will not test your authority, even unconsciously.

When she asks you, “Baby, I’m gonna go to the club tonight. What do you think of this dress?”

Here’s how you reply: “No.”

No explanation. Don’t even look up from what you’re doing. She doesn’t want you to say yes anyway. It would make you a weaker man.

The reality is, no respectable Ukrainian man would allow his girlfriend to go to to a club without him dressed like a slut.

I’m giving you permission to be, well, a little bit of a jerk. All women, particularly Ukrainian women, tend to enjoy submitting to a strong male authority figure. It’s a huge sexual fantasy that’s baked deeply into the human psyche.

Don’t believe me? Then tell me why 50 Shades of Grey is one of the highest selling books in all of human history.

Be a man. You’ll be rewarded for it.

Remember: She’s not necessarily a bad girl for asking you if she can, but you are a bad man if you allow her to do whatever she wants.

Once she starts asking every weekend and giving you problems in response, that’s when it’s time to start looking elsewhere.

Welcome to being a man. Just as you wouldn’t let a young child ride their bike through a busy street, you’re going to have to make decisions for your girlfriend too.

Conclusion: Is Dating Ukrainian Women All It Is Cracked Up To Be?

Dating Ukrainian women is worth it.

Dating Ukrainian women is by far the best upgrade I’ve ever made to my romantic life.

Culturally, women have been taught to respect their male partners instead of introducing drama to his life and making it harder than it has to be.

Instead, a Ukrainian woman sees it as her duty to help you become the best man that you can be by supporting you in the way that a woman should.

Because of this, you’ll have to adopt your dating strategy just a tiny bit, and avoid making a few key mistakes that can cause you to totally blow it.

PS: If you’re looking to meet and date Ukrainian women, I suggest you check out this website, just to get an idea of what’s out there. You won’t be disappointed, I can promise you that!