Young men are often told that two countries are home to the world’s best women: Ukraine and Serbia. Many men have visited both countries out of a desire for adventure and females alike. It’s true, Serbian women are some of the finest on earth. However, no two cultures are the same, and the differences between Serbian and Ukrainian women are not to be glossed over. Today, we’re going to break down the key differences between Serbian girls and Ukrainians…and trust me, there are plenty.
Let’s get started!
Table of Contents
The Basics
Let’s get this out of the way: Ukraine and Serbia are two very different countries.
Serbia is a Southern European nation of 7 million. The only real “city” in Serbia is the capital, Belgrade. The rest of the country is mostly villages, with the exception of the small town of Novi Sad. The country is rather inexpensive, and the majority of Belgrade is vastly more developed than most of Ukraine. Serbian culture is a combination of Eastern European and Mediterranean influences. Elements of both cultures are visible in practically every aspect of Serbian life.
Ukraine, on the other hand, epitomizes real Eastern Europe. While most people will visit Kyiv, Odessa, Lviv and even Kharkov are well worth a visit. The country is huge, with 30 million people living there. Sadly, Ukraine is also the poorest country in Europe aside from Moldova, and at times. At times, it can really start to look like a third world country when compared to Serbia.
Oh, and you can’t drink the water.
Most expats find that they generally spend the same amount of money living in both places. Both countries are recovering from Communism, after all. Food and housing are slightly cheaper in Belgrade than Kyiv, but consumer costs for virtually everything else in Ukraine are dirt cheap.
Naturally, these cultures are going to breed two very different types of women. Of course, both have their own sets of advantages and faults.
But first, let’s start off with what most guys find to be most important: looks.
Appearance-wise, Ukrainian women are Serbian women are relatively similar with a few key differences.
The first key difference you will notice in Serbia is that women are darker in both hair and skin tone. Serbia is in the Southern part of Europe and is not that far away from Italy, Greece, and the entire Mediterranean.
As a result, Serbian women can often look similar to Italians or even Spaniards, particularly when tan from the summer sun. Additionally, you’ll be finding mostly girls with brown, black or brunette colored hair in Serbia.
On top of skin tone and hair color, Serbian women tend to be a little more, shall we say, “gifted” in particular areas than Ukrainian girls.
Serbian Girls Are Bodied Up
To put it bluntly: if you’re an ass man, or a tits man, the girls in Serbia are well endowed in these areas. Ukrainian girls, on the other hand, are sometimes more genetically gifted in the first area than in the second.
As much as I love Ukrainian women, many of them can have awkward, skinny little bodies that, despite perfect hair, makeup, clothes, camera angles and Instagram filters, can occasionally be a little bit underwhelming.
Serbian women, on the other hand, are often properly bodied up.
Side note: If you want to have a more detailed look at some of them, check this website out.
Are Serbian Girls Tall?
Furthermore, while a Serbian girl may have a seriously nice figure, she may be a little bit taller than a Ukrainian girl.
Serbian girls are, for the most part…tall. It’s not uncommon that I meet girls in Serbia who are easily over 6′, or 182 centimeters.
This is obviously not every girl in Serbia, as there are plenty of girls that are a more “normal” height. The official stats say that the average female height is 166cm, or 5’5″. I can’t help but think it’s more like 5’8″.
Even still, if you don’t prefer women who are a little bit taller, you might be slightly disappointed. Personally, I don’t like tall girls. This eliminates about 20% of Serbian girls straight off the bat.
The other 80%, however, is very, very much worth chasing, in my opinion.
If you like fair-skinned, blonde girls, Ukraine is your best bet.
But, if you prefer tan-skinned brunettes that are a little more bodacious, Serbia is definitely worth looking into.
To be completely fair, you can find your preferred physical type in either country if you look hard enough. I’ve met plenty of Serbian women who could pass as Ukrainian, and vice versa.
Where they really differ from one another, however, is personality.
My good friend in Belgrade once imparted a classic piece of wisdom that could only be shared in a rare moment of honesty after a few shots of rakia.
It perfectly explains the difference between the Balkan mentality and the typical Eastern European way of understanding life and relationships you find in Ukraine.
“The Northern slavic people, they are like robots to us bro. Serbia is a very living country!”
He’s right.
When he told me this, he was practically screaming it at me in a loud, crowded Rock club in the middle of Belgrade. The entire place was jam packed, and everyone was in front of the stage, singing and dancing along to 90’s Rock music.
The Belgrade Rock Club
This included both men and women. Some people were dancing in a rather hilariously awkward way, but nobody cared. Everybody was perfectly in the moment, hands in their air with hips gyrating, screaming their lungs out to songs in a language they may not understand. They all had plenty to drink, but nobody is being particularly aggressive with each other. It was clear that some people have just met, and others have been friends for years, but it doesn’t seem to matter to them. These same people will probably sit around talking for hours afterward, smoking cigarettes and having a laugh, and only exchanging goodbyes when the sun finally comes up.
…on a Thursday.
Also: smoking is legal almost everywhere in Serbia. Get used to it.
Let’s compare that to the typical Ukrainian “going out” situation.
4-8 people who have known each other for years on end will all sit around a table drinking, smoking hookah, and maybe dancing after the booze kicks in. The music will, almost certainly, be cheesy Top 40 dance music played at an insanely loud volume where nobody can hear each other talk at all. Of course, the girls will have to start dancing first, and only then will the men be reluctantly dragged into it also. Everybody will be relatively quiet until the men get ridiculously drunk off of vodka, at which point things will start to get a little rowdy. Two men may get into a fight. One guy with a smoking hot girlfriend will just sit there all night, saying absolutely nothing. Everyone will go home at 3:30 AM.
Next week, they will do it again.
I could not imagine a place like the Rock bar my friend took me to existing in Ukraine. No way.
As you can see, there’s a clear difference in mentality between these two countries.
Serbian Girls: Mentality
To put it simply: Serbians are a very lively group of people. Belgrade is a great place for making friends, and Balkan men are very talkative, sociable, and engaged.
Be ready to be a part of this if you plan to spend a lot of time in Serbia.
Serbian women, on the other hand, tend to like to dance, use loud, expressive language, and generally just say what’s on their mind. They’re the female equivalent of the men in their country. Hotter climates tend to breed more charismatic personalities, and Serbia is no exception.
That’s not to say Serbian women are obnoxious, per-se, but you’ll definitely have to be a little more charming in your endeavors with Serbian girls than you would with a Ukrainian.
Not sure which country is right for you?
Let me ask you some questions…
It Comes Down To You
Do you find yourself to be naturally sociable, outgoing and charismatic? Each of these traits is important when picking up the average Serbian woman. The most successful pickups I noticed involved clear, physical escalation early on in the interaction in addition to a rather talkative, chatty demeanor on the part of the man.
Or, are you a more chill, laid back type of guy? Ukrainians are far more soft-spoken. They have a “cool and serious” demeanor about them that I find matches my own personality quite well. Charisma is necessary, and it will certainly have to be toned down if you don’t want to scare them away.
Both types of women appreciate straightforward, masculine traits. How you will show that you’re in possession of these desirable characteristics, however, is going to differ.
In the end, this is very much going to depend on your own personality. Some guys (myself included, at times) will find the Balkan culture exhausting.
With plenty of people wanting to hang out, talk and the need to be very much “switched on” and sharp when approaching girls, a more introverted guy can really struggle while in Serbia.
That’s not to say you can’t do it if you’re naturally a bit more of a chill guy, but I’d plan to psyche yourself up a little bit and be ready to be quite a “chatty Cathy” on your nights out.
On the other hand, a more outgoing guy may find Ukrainian culture to be cold, robotic, and boring. People can be turned off by your excited nature in conversation. A general tepidness to new people can send mixed signals about where you stand with them.
Let’s take a closer look at two different men, and how their individual personalities fit into both Serbian and Ukrainian culture.
The Belgrade Boy
Danny is a 27-year-old American guy from California.
He’s loves going out, and you can usually find him at a local bar most nights of the week. He’s either meeting up with an old friend, talking smack with a local guy, or even flying solo to go make new friends.
Danny takes it upon himself to approach groups of people, unafraid of if they’ll like him or not. He often tells stories about traveling throughout Europe and South Africa, is inquisitive about the lives of other people, and is a genuinely good listener.
He’s even picked up some of the local language, and though he speaks it badly, the locals find him endearing and genuine.
Danny is the kind of guy who does particularly well in Belgrade if you haven’t already noticed.
Danny has amassed a large group of Serbian friends, who introduce him to girls pretty constantly. As he’s always getting invited out, has had a few long term relationships, and tells people Serbia is the best country for a single guy in Europe. He believes it, too.
Let’s not forget his praise of the country is somewhat biased due to his own character traits.
Serbian girls like Danny because he is charismatic, outgoing and has a large group of friends. Ukrainian girls, however, may look at a guy like him and think he’s a bit “too much.” He would have to seriously tone down his game before going to Ukraine.
On the other hand, we have Jack.
The Ukrainian Expat
Jack is in his mid-20’s, is from Florida and has a similar life story to Danny.
Jack lives in a luxurious apartment in Kyiv and is a bit more of a homebody. While he likes going out, he’d much rather invite a girl to his house to “watch a movie,” where he will cook dinner and spend time with her without being in a huge group of people. He enjoys going on coffee dates, trips to wine bars, and of course, going for walks.
To meet girls in Kyiv, Jack and a few of his friends usually go out a few times a month to approach girls at night, though he doesn’t particularly love doing it. Even still, he’s successful enough to get phone numbers, go on dates, and seal the deal after 4-5 encounters. He enjoys every minute of it.
While Jack may only have a few real friends, he regularly puts himself out there and meets girls everywhere he happens to be, taking the chance to turn any interaction into the potential for a new date. It doesn’t matter that Jack doesn’t have dozens of “friends” he barley knows, because Ukrainian girls appreciate Jack’s straightforwardness and boldness.
Of course, Jack’s personality is more suited towards Ukraine. Ukrainian girls like Jack because he comes across as masculine, stylish and interesting, not because he’s the most talkative guy in the bar
Jack vs. Danny: Different People Do Well in Different Places
Jack finds guys like Danny to be a little bit “extra” and gets particularly annoyed when people like him approach his table at the bar. Most Ukrainian people would agree, and see Danny as being sketchy at best, and annoying at worst.
Jack is the kind of guy who does very well in Ukraine. But, if he were going to Serbia, he would have to prepare himself to get more integrated with social circles and “open up” a little bit more than he usually does. Otherwise, Serbian girls would look at him like he’s autistic and joke that he acts like a robot.
Jack would have to work on his social circle game, become more of a conversation starter and give himself permission to be a bit more outgoing.
In either case, both men are enjoying each culture and definitely getting laid, and are clearly in places that are well suited to their personalities.
Ask yourself: are you Danny, or are you Jack?
Would you be willing to adopt traits of the other to do well in each country?
You might have to.
Speaking of getting laid, there are a few nuances of getting physical in both countries that you should be aware of when comparing the two.
Serbian Girls & Sex
I’ll start off by saying that Serbian women are definitely not “easy,” but that they’re certainly less traditional than Ukrainian girls. They’re about the same level of difficulty as Russian girls. In fact, traditional is not really something that comes to mind at all when thinking of Serbian women.
Case in point: my first time in a Serbian nightclub, I was introduced to a gorgeous, 155cm Serbian girl who we will call Alessia. She was out with a few friends, and a mutual acquaintance introduced us.
After a standard hello, one of her male friends remarked at how I have quite a muscular chest. I had just left the gym an hour earlier, it was hot, and I was wearing a t-shirt that was a size too small. Typical for me.
He even (jokingly, I hope) put his hand on my pectorals and said: “Wow, nice man.”
It came across as pretty gay, and I didn’t like it. While I may have told him to check himself, it didn’t take long for the girl he had just introduced to practically maul me.
She walked right up to me, looked me in the eyes, and put her hands on my waist. I returned the gesture, led her over to a table on the side of the club, and we immediately started making out. It was here that the charisma had to come into play, entertaining her and keeping her interest for the next hour before we bounced back to my house.
Belgrade Is A Bit Less Traditional
Okay…maybe NEVER is a bit strong. But seriously, in all my years of living in that country, majority of the guys and I have never been mauled by a girl in such a direct manner.
The closest thing that’s happened to me in Ukraine is getting a casual ass grab from a flirty girl in a crowded club. Of course, she didn’t stick around to say hi afterward. Go figure.
While one night stands, club make-outs and other hedonism certainly takes place in Ukraine, it’s not a very sex-positive culture.
Serbian women, on the other hand, are far more open to the idea of sex. It’s just not as much of a shameful, taboo subject as it is in Ukraine.
I have even met a few friends here who told me that they were in “open relationships” in Belgrade. While that’s totally not my cup of tea, I’d imagine you can get pretty damn freaky in Belgrade if that’s what you’re into.
Simply put: with a city as big as Belgrade and a culture as lively as that of Serbia, there’s nothing stopping you from having a few friends with benefits (or plates, as we call them) on rotation at any given moment.
But of course, you’ll have to meet them first.
Meeting Serbian Girls
In Serbia, both day and night game are fully viable options for meeting women.
Meeting girls during the daytime is as simple as approaching girls on the street, in coffee shops, or in touristy areas with the classic: “do you speak English,” line. From here, you gradually escalate the interaction to something more personal and end by getting a phone number.
The template for this is exactly the same as it is in virtually every other country. The other benefit here is that meeting girls in the daytime is generally pretty low pressure. You ask a simple question, and if she shows interest in you, you keep talking.
Night game, on the other hand, will require you to be a little bit peppier and be ready to be a bit of an entertainer. It never hurts to approach with something a little more contrived.
Typical bits such as approaching a group of girls who are on their phones with “You all look like you’re having more fun than anybody here” is a solid strategy. Other favorites are as follows:
- “My friend and I were arguing, and I told him you look like you’re from Greece. Are you Greek? You totally look like it.”
- “So hey, I was wondering if you could do me a favor. Me and my friend are here from out of town and we’re trying to figure out where to go after this club closes. Do you girls have any ideas?
…and so forth.
The Cartoon Network Opener
Here’s a killer line that I myself made up that has never failed for me. Drop it in your conversation at some point to get your Serbian love interest to laugh.
“You speak English really well. So, what’s your favorite show on Cartoon Network? I heard that’s how you all learned English. I like Ed, Edd, and Eddy, but you look like you watched Dexter’s Laboratory.”
My millennial readers who grew up watching cartoons will understand this. In short, Serbia was one of the first Balkan countries to have the American television channel Cartoon Network broadcast in it. Kids grew up watching it, and the local joke is that it’s helped them master English.
If you’re over 35, I wouldn’t bother with this one.
Use it wisely!
Social Circle Game in Serbia
Before coming to Serbia, everyone had told me about the importance of having a “crew” in the country. They described how women will often size you up to see who you are with, who you know, and if other people seem to like you.
It is yet another way she unconsciously “sizes you up” when getting to know you.
As I said earlier in this article, male friendships are very important in Serbian culture. Making friends is easy in that country because, well, that’s what you’re supposed to do in life.
Unlike in the atomized United States, Serbian culture still values brotherhood and camaraderie.
Women are aware of this, having watched their fathers, brothers and cousins engage in close friendships growing up. If you don’t have any close friends…that’s kind of weird to them.
To be honest, not having any friends should be weird to you too.
Social Circle Game in Ukraine
In Ukraine, by contrast, I found it doesn’t really matter who you’re with. It doesn’t even matter if you have any friends in the country at all. The girls just don’t seem to care.
Women in Serbia prefer to be with a man who they can integrate into their own social circles to a degree. This leads to the common misconception that Serbian women will only date local men, which is categorically false.
If a girl takes you out to meet her friends, can you manifest your cool and interesting character traits, or will you be an awkward bore that she will later regret bringing around?
It’s not rocket science. Dress well, tell some jokes, have stories about traveling the world, buy some rounds, and have a good time.
While meeting Serbian girls in real life is ideal, anybody considering traveling to Belgrade who isn’t also using online dating services to “pipeline” their matches before they arrive is making a huge mistake.
Online Dating in Serbia
Let’s make one thing clear: online dating is essential when going abroad!
When a man is thinking of traveling to another country in the search of fun times with beautiful girls, he must get prepared.
Sure, you can jump off the plane in Belgrade, hit the streets and start looking for girls. I’ve done it plenty of times…
But you know what else has happened more times than I care to admit?
I went home empty-handed. A lot.
There’s no shame in admitting it. We all strike out sometimes.
I thought I was “too cool” to do anything but meet girls in person. Unfortunately, all this attitude did was waste precious time that I could have been spending with beautiful Serbian girls.
It is for this reason that I encourage anybody considering traveling to Belgrade to sign up for an account at International Cupid.
International Cupid is a niche dating website/app that helps to connect foreigners with beautiful Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian and other Balkan women. International Cupid is a safe, super affordable service that’s is run by the same team that’s behind our favorite dating website, Ukraine Date. If you’re curious, you can check out our review of their services here.
The two are largely the same but targeted to different locations.
International Cupid totally blows other dating apps out of the water. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t meet more than a few of my favorite Serbian women (and even a long term girlfriend or two) straight from the app.
Whether you’re looking for a fling or something serious, it’s all on there. Sign up for an account and try it out!
Conclusion – Are Serbian Girls Worth it?
For a man who’s intent on traveling to Eastern Europe, both Ukraine and Serbia are certainly fine options.
In the end, which country you will favor more is going to boil down to your own personality quirks, and your individual taste in women.
I genuinely hope this guide helps you to make the right choice.
Don’t just take my word for it either. No matter what type of man you are, I highly suggest visiting both countries and learning for yourself.
So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to take action, and meet the girl of your dreams.
Which Eastern European women would you say are the best looking overall? Face and body (including ASS)
Hey Bill.
Our opinion is that it’s a close tie between Ukrainian girls and Serbian girls.
If you like girls with Brunette hair who are a little more bodied up, Serbia is your place.
Ukraine has some great picks too for what you want.
Have you tried using any of the apps we’ve mentioned?
-Expat Ukraine
Where is the best wife material between Poland, Ukraine and Serbia