There’s no denying that online dating has become one of the best ways for guys from all around the world to meet beautiful Ukrainian women. Short of actually going to Ukraine and getting integrated into the local culture, dating apps are second to none when a man is weighing his options on how to meet women. That being said, one topic that frequently comes up in conversation is the possibility of using Tinder in Ukraine. As such, many travelers eagerly ask us “Does Tinder work in Ukraine?” before voyaging to your favorite country. While Tinder is not the best app for meeting girls in Ukraine, it is certainly possible to use it while traveling abroad.

Without further adieu, let’s get into how to meet Ukrainian women on Tinder.


Tinder is very much a numbers game.

You present an image of yourself that explicitly highlights your attractive characteristics with the intention of gaining the interest of as many girls as possible. From there, you filter through the ones you like, and those you don’t in the hopes of successfully meeting, and seeing where things go from there.

I’m assuming you know how to use the app. After all, swiping left and right isn’t too hard to figure out.

Where most men do need some coaching, however, is in setting up their profile to present the best image of themselves and put their best foot forward.

As such, you should put some thought into your bio.


It is here that you should try to reveal your foreign status. Like it or not, being a foreigner will often gain you a few points with girls when traveling anywhere.

Pro tip: This is especially useful when using Tinder in Odessa, Ukraine. Girls there can be a bit more “looks oriented” than other parts of the country.

Additionally, pointing out that you are a foreigner communicates that you speak English. I like to do this by putting the American flag emoji into my bio. It’s a slick way of showing your nationality without blurting it out in such a direct manner. If you do speak any other languages, this is definitely the place to list them. Additionally, you can mention the dates that you’re visiting if it is a shorter trip. This creates a sense of urgency for meeting up.

Humorous Tinder bios may work in most Western countries. Ukraine is, however, not typically a place that takes well to goofy humor. Most women appreciate a straightforward, masculine man.

Here’s an example of a good Tinder bio. Feel free to copy it word for word.

The Golden Rule of Conversation Starting

If there is one thing you take away from this blog, please let it be the following line:

“Do you speak English?”

I know, I know. This sounds rudimentary at best and boring at worst, but trust me on this. No other phrase serves as such a useful, indirect conversation starter that simultaneously communicates that: you are foreign, that you do not speak any other languages, and that you’re interested in speaking to her.

Again, trying to get witty with your pickup lines in Ukraine is usually a recipe for disaster. Most girls don’t speak English well enough to understand the complexities of American humor. If they do, they are often perplexed as to why a man’s first words to them are said jokingly.

You can generally begin every interaction on Tinder in Ukraine with “Hey. Do you speak English?” which you can add a smiley face to or not, depending on your personality.

Most commonly, she will reply with either: “Yes,” or “A little.” When using Tinder in Odessa, Ukraine, you may find that girls are a bit more open to chatting as their personalities can be slightly different than in a place like Kiev.

Boom. The fun has just begun.

Simple, Easy To Understand Questions

A good reply to this is something like “Oh good, I just came to Ukraine. Do you like it here?”

This next line is designed to engage her a little bit, as most girls will either reply with something like “No hahaha” or “so-so.”

You can expect them to ask you why you’ve come to Ukraine. If you’re in Kiev, Lviv or Odessa, it is believable enough that you’re traveling through Europe and wanted to explore Eastern Europe.

If you’ve gone to a more obscure, smaller town, I’d suggest having a more solid backstory. Most women are not going to believe that you have come to their small village for sightseeing purposes.

So, you’re conversing, and she’s responding to you. These are all good signs you’re going to be meeting a cute Ukrainian girl sometime soon. Your next move, however, is probably the most important step when using Tinder in Ukraine.

Bounce Her Off Of Tinder

Tinder should serve as little more than a place to make a quick introduction to a cute girl, and your goal should be to establish contact through another medium shortly after beginning the chat.

You may have a Ukrainian phone number, and even if you do, I do not suggest asking for this and texting her via cellular.

This is because most girls in Ukraine are poor. Their phones are often out of “credits,” meaning they haven’t paid the monthly bill. They won’t get your texts, and you’ll end up worried if they’re ignoring you.

Instead, most Ukrainian girls are experts at using free WiFi to communicate. Most towns in Ukraine have free WiFi in the city center. It’s a cost-effective strategy for most Ukrainians to save on their cell phone bill.

Keep in mind, a cellular plan in Ukraine is usually no more than $6 a month. That, my friends, is how poor these people are.

Instead of asking for a phone number, get her contact on either WhatsApp, Viber, or Instagram.

If you choose to ask for a WhatsApp or Viber contact, she will still give you a phone number, but you will use a special app to text her through. It sounds complicated, but it is just a way of sending free text messages over WiFi.

Instagram Game in Ukraine

“Let’s chat on Instagram. What’s your username?”

Remember to use simple, easy to understand English, almost as if you’re talking to a child. This may be hard first. Keep in mind that you generally have to tone down your vocabulary a little bit when dealing with non-native English speakers.

If, on the other hand, you have an Instagram account with a following, and photos that show you engaging in attractive hobbies such as traveling, working out, and other things that make you who you are, I suggest going for her Instagram account.

Most girls now use Instagram as a chatting app. If you have an attractive lifestyle with a decently sized following, you can leverage this as yet another thing that makes you appealing to her.

Once she has given you her info to contact her on another platform, wait about 10 minutes before messaging her there. You don’t want her thinking you’re too eager…after all.

Once 10 minutes pass, add her WhatsApp or Viber contact or follow her on Instagram, and set up your date.

Note: If you (like most guys) seriously hate the idea of having to leverage your Instagram account to look cool to young girls, just skip ahead and sign up for an account on Ukraine Date instead of using Tinder.

Apps like Tinder tend to attract a certain type, and they often swoon over a guy with tons of followers and likes on his photos.

On Ukraine Date, you won’t have this problem.

First Dates From Tinder in Ukraine

One huge mistake that too many guys make when meeting girls on Tinder is treating their first interaction like a “real date.”

Tinder, in particular, has some seriously varying levels of quality, especially when compared to premium apps where the girls are far hotter on average.

For this reason, I suggest your first meetup with a girl from Tinder in Ukraine being no more than a quick, 30 minute to one-hour coffee date.

Tell her that you’re very busy your first few days in Ukraine, but that you would still like to meet.

“You seem interesting to me. I’m free on Tuesday at 3:00 PM. Let’s meet for a coffee at ________ for an hour or so. Are you available?”

If you’re lucky, she will be, or she will make time in her schedule to see you. There’s nothing wrong with changing to a time that suits her if she cannot make that particular date, as she’s likely quite busy with going university and family obligations.

Even still, I suggest that you make an effort to choose venues and suggest specific times. The last thing you want to do is let her think that you’re canceling your plans to meet her and that she’s tasked with choosing the venue.

Do not make this mistake when dating in Ukraine. You must be decisive.


Girls randomly canceling dates, or not showing up at all, is the biggest problem with meeting girls on Tinder in Ukraine.

Realistically, there’s nothing you can do to prevent this, and you run the risk of potentially having your time wasted.

The best piece of advice that I can give is to limit your dates to no more than one hour and set up multiple dates on the same day.

Doing this allows you to schedule in three or four different girls to meet, so if even 50% of the bail, you won’t walk away completely empty-handed.

Even still, I can’t stand to have my time wasted and prefer using higher quality dating apps than Tinder, where flaking is far less common and the girls are way hotter.

Let’s not forget that Tinder is like the “wild west” of online dating. While you can certainly have a good time if you manage to accomplish all of the above steps successfully, you are still dealing with some potential risks that don’t exist with other apps.

Risks of Using Tinder in Ukraine

You definitely have to keep in mind that using Tinder outside of the United States is definitely a bit more dangerous than when using it at home.

While Ukraine is, for the most part, a very safe country, you should naturally be somewhat skeptical of girls you meet on Tinder while traveling abroad.

Let’s just say that Tinder attracts a certain “type” of girl, one that might not be the highest quality when compared to a premium service.

Don’t forget: Tinder does almost nothing to regulate the service, it’s users, and what goes on in the app. 50 million people use the app worldwide. It’s just way too big to effectively police.

I’ll be honest, I’ve heard some serious horror stories from using Tinder in Eastern Europe. Tinder, for the most part, has a huge problem with fake profiles, catfish accounts, and other weirdo scammers.

While I would hope that most of our readers are smart enough to be able to spot a scam when they see one, you also have to keep in mind that some fake profiles can appear very legitimate at first.

It may only be after chatting for a few days that you find out your “Natasha” may not be whole she says she is, and she’s asking you to sign up for a webcam show.

Yes, this actually happens on Ukrainian Tinder.

Uh, yeah…no thanks.

Wasted Time

In the end, you’ll have wasted loads of time. For guys who are trying to make the most of their time in a new country, you will want to avoid this.

It’s for this reason that we recommend our readers try out Ukraine Date, an app that we’re huge fans of.

When a girl signs up for Ukraine Date, she has to verify her account with an ID, a phone number, and other personal information. This is so that the service can ensure she is who she says she is. This feature alone makes it worth the small monthly fee for a premium account.

Not only is Ukraine Date overseen by a comprehensive trust and safety team, but the quality of women you will find on it tends to be leaps and bounds better than what’s hanging around on Tinder.

The girls on the app are nothing short of stunning. Even if you’re just curious to see what the average Ukrainian girl looks like, I suggest signing up for an account. It’s free to try, and you have nothing to lose from giving it a go.

Is It Worth It To Use Tinder in Ukraine?

Does Tinder work in Ukraine?


But, is it worth it to use Tinder in Ukraine?

Well…yes, and no.

Think of Tinder in the same way that you would an old, sketchy friend.

They are notoriously unreliable, are known to waste your time when you let them. Worst of all, they may even be a bit dangerous from time to time.

Even still, you occasionally have a good time together, and won’t delete them from your phone for that reason alone.

That, my friends, is Tinder in Ukraine, in a nutshell.

Tinder vs. Ukraine Date

Tinder vs. Ukraine Date

My suggestion is and always has been that while using apps like Tinder can definitely be fun, there are better choices.

If you have the time to sift through loads of fake profiles, can find a girl who speaks good enough English, schedule a meeting and hope she doesn’t flake, Tinder can work.

Oh, and let’s hope her English is good enough to communicate effectively.

To me, that’s way too much wasted time.

With Ukraine Date, every profile that you see is going to be the real deal. Better yet, they are usually way hotter than what you get on Tinder.

Girls that you meet on Ukraine Date are far more serious about actually meeting than those on Tinder. As a result, the chances of a girl flaking out go down significantly.

There’s a clear winner here, and it’s not Tinder. While we love online dating, it’s obvious that not all dating apps are created equal. To be successful in a place like Ukraine, a specialty dating service is going to get you far better results.

So, what are you waiting for? You can keep wasting your time using Tinder, or you can start dating hot Ukrainian girls this very minute.