Whenever I first decided to begin living in Ukraine as a foreigner, it seemed as if everyone I knew had just one question, “Why Ukraine?” Aside from the fact that living in Ukraine allows you to start meeting beautiful Ukrainian women, I understand why people were so surprised.

Make no mistake, this is a fair question. When the news media in most Western nations seems to only have bad things to say about a particular country…it can be easy to have a negative impression about it.

To date, I have now been living in Ukraine for over 3 years. In that time I’ve had plenty of ups and downs, but I would not trade my experiences for the world. 

I can honestly say that living in Ukraine as a foreigner has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.

So…what is the shocking truth about living in Ukraine as a Foreigner?

Read on to find out.

Ukraine is Incredibly Cheap For Foreigners 

The first thing that any foreigner will notice while living in Ukraine is just how cheap it is.

Let’s have a look at the global cost of living index to see just how Ukraine ranks.

As we’ve mentioned before, Lviv is among one of the cheapest cities in the world, just two steps above Bangalore, India. Paying such a small amount to live in gorgeous, European capital is simply absurd. 

Even Kiev, the most “expensive” city in the country, is ranked at 329 out of 375 cities on earth.

All in all, your total spend for an upper-middle class lifestyle is going to be no more than $1,500.

If that’s not a good value, I don’t know what is. 

High Quality of Life While Living in Ukraine as a Foreigner

Because Ukraine is so cheap, even a small, internet-based salary can afford a person access to top-tier luxuries in the country.

For example, a membership at a “health-spa” styled gym will run about $50 a month. Uber in Ukraine is among the cheapest in the world, with rides ranging from $2-$5 generally. Meals out can range between $4-$20 depending on how nice of a restaurant you like to dine at. Above all else, newly renovated apartments can rent for less than $500 a month.

We covered the exact budget that you can expect to spend in Ukraine in this post.

Remember this: low prices in Ukraine give you access to the highest quality amenities that the country has to offer. While the majority of the population may be living in relative poverty, access to a reasonable salary paid in US dollars immediately puts you in the top 10% of income earners in the country.

In general, you can expect your salary to go four times farther in Ukraine. 

For example, a $25,000 a year salary in Ukraine will give you access to a $100,000 a month lifestyle in the United States, U.K., etc.

Let’s say that someone spends $1,500 a month for a “baller” lifestyle in Ukraine on a $25,000 yearly salary. That leaves an extra $7,000 to do whatever you want with. 

I know numerous people that have begun investing this extra money into the stock market, paid off their student debts, or started businesses with the money they save living in Ukraine. 

That, my friends, is how your financial life can truly start to change as a result of living in Ukraine. You may leave a shabby expat, but if you play your cards right, you should reemerge as a person of means.

It Is Corrupt…But Who Really Cares?

There is no denying the political situation in Ukraine is extremely corrupt. 

Let me ask you a question: when was the last time that politics directly impacted your life?

Think about it…

One of the best things that living in Ukraine as a foreigner has revealed to me is that the state of a country’s politics generally have 0 bearing on my everyday life. 

I remember when, not too long ago, Americans thought that the election of Donald Trump was going to fundamentally change the country.

…and what has happened? Almost nothing.

This begs the question of just how much Ukraine’s corrupt political system will impact your life as a foreigner. I can safely say that, for the average expat, there is literally nothing to worry about here. Will Zelenskiy’s failure as a negotiator make the price of your $1 latte going up? Did Yanukovych’s embezzling of funds from taxpayers increase the price of your rent?

Nope, nah, and no. This is all fear-based propaganda. 

Granted, there are a few exceptions. I do not use Ukrainian banks as they are notoriously untrustworthy. I do not own any property in the country (yet), and generally avoid making business deals involving large transfers of funds inside of Ukraine.

Instead, I use a fantastic online bank that charges me 0% commissions for foreign transactions. I pay $500 a month for a luxurious, city center apartment and I work on the internet.

Problem solved.

Slavic Culture Conquers All

One of my personal favorite parts about living in Ukraine is that you are generally cut away from the superficial parts of American culture.

In my three years of living in the country, I did not hear one song by degenerate rappers like Cardi B. I was not bombarded with advertisements for overpriced American consumer products. I don’t hear the same 10 American pop songs on the radio everyday.

To me, this is refreshing. While Ukraine does have their own pop music and slightly annoying advertising (that I don’t understand), I find all of these to be far less offensive than in the United States. 

In fact, it was only on a recent trip to Serbia that I realized just how cut off Ukraine is from all of these things. Many countries in Eastern Europe have something of an affinity for American culture. Ukraine, however, is not one of them.

Personally, I like having the option of consuming type of media I want. If I want to watch South Park, I’ll throw on Netflix and binge for an afternoon. Do I want to hear everyone talking about Game of Thrones non-stop?

Hell no. 

Ukraine is very much outside of the Western sphere of influence in regards to culture. For a foreigner living in Ukraine, this is going to be one of the most obvious differences between life at home and your life in Eastern Europe.

The Girls Are Unbelievably Attractive

Do I even need to say it? 

Girls in Ukraine are simply gorgeous. While of course, not every single girl you see walking down the street is going to be a knockout, there is generally just a much higher number of attractive women in Ukraine than most other countries. Let’s talk about why this is…

First off, you have to take into account genetics. Slavic women generally fit Western standards of beauty, with Ukrainian women being more genetically prone to having fair skin, soft facial features, elongated legs, and an average stature. Most guys from the West tend to see these as positive traits.

This already puts Ukrainian women miles above other ethnic groups by virtue of birth alone.

Second, Ukraine is a rather “traditional” country in which women are still encouraged by their parents, peer groups and society and large to wear dresses, high heels, and maximize their femininity. There are exceptions to every rule, and yet this is generally the way things are in Ukraine. 

You could best compare it to the United States in the 1950s in regards to how it treats gender differences. There was never a “sexual revolution” in which women were encouraged to begin acting like men, cut their hair short and put on extra weight because “I’m perfect just the way I am.”

It just doesn’t work that way in Ukraine.

Just as men understand that their value is tied to the work they can do and what they can provide in terms of fun, finance, and stability, women realize that their beauty is something to be nourished and not scorned.

The Truth About Living in Ukraine as a Foreigner

The truth about living in Ukraine is that it is awesome. 

Living in Ukraine as a foreigner allows me to get more out of life, specifically in regards to money, women and overall quality.

I live a luxurious lifestyle for a fraction of the cost of what it would be in the United States. Beyond this, I can save and invest the remainder of my salary, something that has quickly allowed my net worth to rise far above that of my peer group. To top it all off, I have access to the world’s most beautiful women. What’s not to love?

Granted, living in Ukraine is certainly not for everyone, but if you’re the type of person who is reading this website, then I am going to guess that you’re not everyone…and that’s a good thing.

Give It A Shot

Obviously, not everyone who reads this is going to buy a plane ticket and head off to Eastern Europe right away, and for good reason.

Personally, I believe you should “dip your toes in the water” before diving in, and there are a few particular dating apps that are great for doing just this. Using a dating app will allow you to get a glimpse of all the gorgeous Ukrainian girls you want, before ever setting foot in the country.

In the dating world, we call this “pipelining,” as you’re setting up potential dates before you even arrive. If you want to get a glimpse of what living in Ukraine as a foreigner is like, I suggest you sign up for a free account at Ukraine Date today.

You won’t regret it.